Admonishment to death

"We can't let hai Changsheng go!"

All eyes were on Liang hide.

Indeed, many people, regardless of their stance, had to give a thumbs-up for Liang Dade, who still dared to stand up at this time.

He was too gutsy.

He's really bold.

Li Yanling was also surprised.

She knew Liang Shide, but she wasn't close to him. She really didn't expect that there would be someone who dared to go against her.

Her gaze was fixed on this person, and the pressure of a golden core cultivator was directed at him without reservation.

The difference between them was huge. Even if Li Yanling didn't use any of her true Yuan, she was able to suppress Liang Dade with her aura alone.

His face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was extremely bloodshot, and his body seemed to be carrying a heavy burden as he bent down.