Chapter 237-charge!

Lu Wenen's eyes twitched.

He had heard that Weiwen carried a big knife and killed in all directions in Changhong County, but the focus was still on how she looked majestic and golden. Although the big knife was mentioned, when had it been as shocking as seeing it with their own eyes?

Why was his gentle-looking little sister so reckless?

However, Lu Weiwen had no intention of talking to her cousin anymore. She turned her head and stared at the deer demon below as she calculated in her heart.

Would it be better to cut vertically or horizontally?

After waiting for Jing Ming to send a signal to indicate that the cloud cavalry team was ready to charge, Lu Weiwen squeezed the horse's stomach. The grade two water cloud horse under her raised its head and loudly chanted "rhythmically." A pair of large and beautiful wings of spirit energy suddenly spread out. The four legs of the horse seemed to be running on flat ground as it carried Lu Weiwen and galloped straight down.