Chapter 250-attack Eagle Valley

three-star Mystic realm: divine Deer Forest (vassal Mystic realm)

[ special characteristics: accelerated growth of spiritual herbs; wood-attribute cultivation speed is two and a half times that of a normal level-three spiritual heritage; Suitable for the survival of the demon race. ]


Lu Qing saw the information about the divine Deer Forest in the system.

He smiled.

Although Wynn and Lu man had communicated in the name of 'allies', in reality, after the relationship between the two was established, how could it be an ordinary Alliance?

All the living supplies and communication with the outside world of the demon race in the divine Deer Forest were free. The Lu family would not interfere in any way. However, even the entrance was in the hands of the Lu family. What else was there to talk about?

Of course, the Lu family would not go back on their word. Reputation was still very important to a force.