What is the old ancestor looking at?

The inward pressure brought by this Divine Art was very difficult to resist.

The masked man clearly had a much more powerful reserve of spirit energy, but he couldn't use it to directly block the pressure of this gravity. He couldn't even interfere with it. It was as if the spiritual power had no effect on the gravity that was exerted on his body.

Of course, it was not as if he had no other way. The spiritual energy couldn't directly interfere with the gravity on his body, but it could be integrated into his body, flesh, and blood, and thus enhance the strength of his body, so that he had more strength to resist the inward pressure.

At this moment, he had really managed to resist it.

Lu Chaohe could clearly feel that his gravity divine power was being strongly resisted. He was gradually increasing the pressure, but he could not do anything to his opponent. The power of both sides used the masked man's body as the battlefield and began an intense battle.