The Northern Expedition of the great Wei

Lu Qing hoped that the Yan Kingdom would be more chaotic.

Of course, this chaos could not be after the Yan Emperor became the Dharma plane.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for the Lu clan to take advantage of the chaos when the two Dharma lakas were fighting with each other in the country of Yan with the support of the Imperial court and Yunxiao sect, the top sect in the country of Yan.

Lu qingchang thought for a moment. The best scenario was that Yunxiao sect would have to spend a lot of effort in order to get rid of the Yan Emperor, li Shiwen. The entire situation in Great Yan would be in chaos, but li Shiwen would not be able to break through in the end. In this way, the power of the Imperial court could be reduced and thrown into chaos. However, it would be best if Yunxiao sect did not have the ability to immediately devour the reduced power of the Imperial court and give the Lu clan the chance to extend their reach to the South.