Coach, I want to learn this

This move of Lu Qing's was essentially the 'falling star' technique of the 'rising star technique'. A huge meteorite formed in the sky and fell. The falling meteorites would cause a violent explosion and attach themselves to all enemies within the explosion range, absorbing their spiritual energy, true Yuan, and even life force. Lu Qing could also retrieve the star power that he had seized from his enemies and convert it to replenish his own energy.

When he was in the Golden core stage, he could only summon one 'falling star' at a time. However, at the nascent Soul Stage, although he had not found a way to further upgrade the 'star ascending art', the essence of the moves had not been updated. However, with the strength of a nascent soul cultivator, he could continuously connect with the starry sky, condense meteorites, and smash them down.

Bai Nantian, who was watching from the side, swallowed his saliva with difficulty. This was a rare sight.