Chapter 411: the final battle!

If this dragged on for too long, even Lu Qing would be worried that a long night would bring more trouble.

Furthermore, even if a few Dharma experts from other countries came and joined forces, they would be able to get rid of the three-headed evil spirit. Lu Qing would not be that happy.

In essence, his greatest need came from the immemorial inheritance under the Dongyang temple. With the appearance of the three-headed evil spirit, everyone would know that there must be something extraordinary buried under the Dongyang temple. By then, Lu Qing would not be in a position to stop others from investigating.

Unless he turned hostile on the spot and fought against all the Dharma idols on the spot.

But since that was the case, why not get rid of this three-headed evil spirit now?

Moreover, it was not as if Lu Qing did not have the means to get rid of him. It was just that he would need some time to lay the foundations.