The plan

The dozen or so people standing below the high platform had expressions of both sadness and joy.

The ones who were happy were, of course, those who had successfully broken through. However, there were still one-third of people who failed to break through.

These dozen or so people were the peak jiedan stage experts who had agreed to break through ten years ago.

Of course, the few from the Lu family were not inside. They had made sufficient preparations. Lu Qing would naturally help and protect them. He would lead them to break through first.

Out of the dozen of people, the main sources were still three-the Imperial court, the Qingfeng sect, and the Yunxiao sect.

Among them, Yunxiao sect definitely had the most cultivators.

In addition, there were two other people who were from Qi country. They were the mainstays of two aristocratic families in Qi country.