Chapter 9

[ genius remembered the website domain name in a second: infinite-element novel network, year 2019, the day shengqing city's college entrance examination results were announced. ]

In the Tianhu District, a young man was checking the information on his phone screen. The results of the college entrance examination were displayed on his phone.


An Liang:

Chinese: 91

Mathematics: 90

[ English: 110 ]

Comprehensive science: 132

"Total score: 423"


An Liang looked at the score and knew that he was done for. Although this score was not as good as the top, it was at most at the level of a second-tier University.

Ding! The winner in life system has finished loading!' A notification sound appeared in an Liang's mind.

Anliang looked calm on the surface. After the college entrance examination, he had read a lot of online novels and naturally had seen similar NGS.

"System?" An Liang tried to recite it silently.