The Qin-Shu Alliance

After returning to Yuyan mountain, Lu Qing began to understand what changes had happened to the world in the past 15 years.

Without a doubt, it was a world of great struggle.

First, there was the Qin country's disturbance in the West and they showed a strong desire to expand. They had even put it into action. Under the strong pressure of the Qin country, the Jin and Liang countries were somewhat breathless.

However, before the Qin State could really produce any results, the Yan state had already made the first move in the past 20 to 30 years.

First, the Emperor of Da Qi was changed to the Lu family. The war between the Wu and Wei States 15 years ago had also made these two celestial States part of the Yan state.

This could be called 'swallowing like a whale'.

In total, almost the entire East of the cultivation world had been incorporated into the Lu clan's rule.