The God King

After hearing the advice from his most loyal subject, Qin Shang hesitated for a moment.

This was very rare.

For the throne, he had paid the price of most of his emotions, but at least his desire and goal were still there. And this time, he was going to pay for all of this.


"There's no turning back." Qin Shang said.

He had already told her what he needed to tell her, so he had nothing else to say.

Under Fang Ziliang's worried gaze, Qin Shang strode forward.

The gate of the palace opened on its own. Outside the door, a dozen or so expressionless cultivators wearing white robes with golden runes embedded in them were already waiting.

These people, of course, had different appearances and heights, but their gazes and expressions were all surprisingly the same. They all had an indifferent, serious appearance, and the same temperament.

They bowed slightly to Qin Shang.

"Let's go," Qin Shang said.
