Reviving the Great Leap Forward

Other than the benefits of becoming a 6-star family clan, the one thing that Lu Qing was most interested in was the resurrection progress.

The real representation of the resurrection progress was, of course, the clan level. The revival exchange tab was something that could only be used temporarily.

Lu Qing was able to move around in the Feiyun state after the last upgrade. This time, he saw the results.

[ clan level has been raised to seven-star. ]

[ the range of physical activity has been expanded to all the territories under the family's actual control. ]

This news instantly made Lu Qing feel extremely surprised!

Previously, he had guessed that as his family's rank continued to rise, it would eventually rise to the 'nation' rank, allowing him to move freely within the country of Yan.

However, he did not expect that after the clan's level was upgraded to seven-star, this range would be directly upgraded to all the territories controlled by the clan!