The celestial dynasty

In a sense, the Allied forces could already be considered the victors of the war. After all, if the current situation continued, Chang 'an fortress would be defeated without a doubt. It was only a matter of time before they achieved everything.

However, even so, the entire Alliance Army did not feel much joy from the victory. At the same time, the atmosphere in Chang 'an fortress, which should have been very desperate, was not good, but it had not reached the point of giving up resistance.

The reason for this was, of course, because neither side could be sure of the outcome of the battle between Lu Qing and Qin Shang. They could not be sure if both of them had perished together.

The people of Qin were still thinking that if Qin Shang won, once the Emperor of great Qin returned, all the difficulties in front of them would be reversed. This was also the fundamental reason why they insisted on continuing to resist.