The might of nature

"brother fengye, what's wrong?" she looked around and realized that the attendants who were escorting the caravan were also very nervous.

"There might be some obstacles ahead. Youyou, you don't have divine power. Hide." the warrior maple leaf began to arrange the positions of the other three members.

the players just didn't have any experience, but they weren't stupid. after almost a month of fighting, they already had some basic combat knowledge, so they didn't need zhao xu to explain the positioning.

Zhao Xu gently opened his backpack and touched the mark on his back. After he was sure that it was still there, he relaxed a little.

of the three killer moves antonya had given him, one of them had been attached directly to his back.

it would be triggered if he had an accident or activated it by himself.

as long as he didn't use the lifestone, the remaining ones would become part of his reward.