dispel magic

the magic staff in zhao xu's hand was about a meter long and was made from the core of an ancient oak tree. there was a yellow crystal embedded in the top of the staff.

at this moment, zhao xu's appearance wasn't too far off from the mages that everyone had imagined in fantasy novels.

A magic staff was a type of magic item that stored several spells. Every time a spell was cast, it would consume one to a few shots of energy from the magic staff. Generally speaking, a new magic staff would have 50 shots of energy.

As for the other magic item, the wand, it was usually 30 centimeters long, about the size of the wands of the Wizards in Harry Potter.

a wand also only had 50 shots of energy, but each spell only consumed one shot of energy.

the difference between a magic staff and a magic staff was that each magic staff could only store one type of spell, and it could only store spells that were level-4 and below.