combat casting

tie shi's near-death state marked the end of the battle, and the rest of the battle was basically a counterattack by the injured noah and his men.

The ambushing team that had lost its backbone was instantly crushed.

or rather, it started after zhao xu successfully killed tie shi and made many people in this area faint.

even the tough bandits could only choose to hide for a while at this moment.

after the entire harvest was done, everyone came over to congratulate zhao xu, especially noah, who couldn't stop praising him.

Noah even decided on the spot that he would let Zhao Xu take tie Shi's full-body armor as a trophy.

at that time, zhao xu's gaze first swept over fengye, and fengye quickly waved his hands to show that he didn't deserve it.

in reality, zhao xu was worried that if he had a full-body armor in the early stages of the maple leaf stage, he might be able to survive, but that might end up harming him in the end.