chapter 114 riding alone

it wasn't until zhao xu's figure disappeared around the corner of the convenience store that cui lu came back to her senses. she muttered to herself, " how did he know that i just registered a new account and chose forest ranger? "

Many people in cui Lu's class were very engrossed in the game. However, after nearly a month, not only were the Lifestones running out, many of them had even created new characters.

although cui lu still had two lifestones left, she had already understood that being a bard was not her true path.

That's why she deleted her account and started all over again, even if she had to start from scratch.

but she was still a little confused about zhao xu's suggestion.

although there were not many forest rangers who had reached level 2, the choice of the level 2 ranger class ability " combat style " had already begun to debate.