chapter 118-physical transformation

the mages standing around tucker were initially indifferent, thinking that takra's arrival was like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

But when the level 5 wizard in the lead saw Zhao Xu start to release powerful magic, he couldn't even close his jaw. He was in a state of deep shock.

" my spell identification failed. what is this? " the level-4 wizard behind him asked in a low voice.

"shut up, we're finished." the level-5 mage gritted his teeth, not knowing what to do.

even if he had offended the president of the wizard association in north block city, it would not have been enough to cause him to panic.

that was because it was a level nine spell.

He had never seen anyone cast this spell without the help of a scroll or the skill of 'using magic equipment'.

however, no matter how much he questioned the goddess of magic about why she loved the person in front of him so much, he could not hide the fear in his heart.