monster guide (20000 words completed)

zhao xu looked around in surprise and realized that he was the only level 1 wizard in the room.

"I'm talking to you." fatty qi lin nudged zhao xu with his elbow and thought to himself that the soft and squishy seat was finally his.

If the first lecture was given by a fifth-circle mage, the other party would definitely recognize the glittering Mithril badge and would definitely be confused.

however, it was the ninth-circle mage, nochi. although this mage was not young, he was still considered young among the ninth-circle mages.

normally, when lynch was at mystra's house, he would hear his elders praise nochi's shape-shifting skills.

they thought that he had already entered the legendary-mage seed training sequence.

perhaps after a few hundred years, he would become the legendary-mage nochi.