stacking power (1/3)

floating city, the highest mage council.

The floating city's Supreme Council was the highest authority that was permanently stationed at the wizard Association's headquarters.

Among them, there were only seven fixed members in the Council. They were President oss, Vice President Stormrage, velancer, Renault, Cassius, and Nesser.

Generally speaking, it was these seven who decided all matters in the floating city and even Mystra.

Only when it came to the corresponding issues would the corresponding legendary-mages be allowed to participate.

For example, ninth-circle sorcerers could only attend the joint Conference for voting.

the main topic of this meeting was antonya's recent work debriefing and report on some of the recent developments.

Antonya didn't really like these kinds of meetings.

It was rare that she was willing to come to report on her work. The seven big shots listened very seriously and specially projected their projections to attend.