the land of the god's punishment (1/3)

Ever since Zhao Xu had gone to Mystra's legendary library, he had spent most of his nights there.

in the hotel room, he followed the method taught by ling luduo in the library and sprinkled six drops of holy water on the four corners of the bed as an evening gift.

Then, he took out a specially-made blanket from his backpack. Both sides of the blanket were filled with ritualistic magic circles.

then, zhao xu put a mint-flavored candy in his mouth and laid his head on the three magic books he had borrowed. he smelled the faint aroma of paper and ink coming from the incense burner at the foot of his bed and slowly fell asleep.

by the time zhao xu woke up, he had already completed the ritual and his soul had already floated into the " library of legends " in the floating city.