The spell to break the situation

After two months of contact with NPCs, the players knew that dealing with NPCs could indeed trigger a " mission.

However, these " quests " were the same as the " quests " that the players themselves had verbally requested. There were no system mandatory requirements, and there would not be a pop-up asking whether you would accept the request of this old man to find his granddaughter.

as such, many of the players had their rewards stolen by the cunning npcs of arthur.

the complaint posts about this also became the daily posts on the forum.

after this period of education, the players had also concluded that the higher their position level and the more they were aligned with order or kindness, most of them would not refuse to accept the mission reward.

Therefore, when the members of the Adventurer's Guild saw the gale wizard revealing his official identity, they felt as if they had stepped into a key part of Arthur's history.