the student's background

After Zhao Xu had a short conversation with the director of the Civilian Academy, he followed the director's secretary to the class that he was in charge of.

Zhao Xu's teaching job this time didn't really involve any specific teaching. He was more of a " nanny " role as a " homeroom teacher, " so he had to take care of everything, or he didn't have to take care of anything at all.

this teaching position at the civil service academy was also the only one that didn't have a specific schedule, so how much work zhao xu had to do was entirely up to his own sense of responsibility.

at first, he was still curious as to why players could enter the civilian academy.

When he saw the class list in his hand, he realized that all five players were Warlock apprentices.

In addition to the 11 core basic classes in Arthur, there were also many basic expansion classes, such as " Crusader ", " Warblade ", and " Kendo " in the nine Swords system.