A million gold coins

in an instant, within the range of this incomparably holy cathedral, the magic staff in zhao xu's hand started glowing with a light that represented the will of death and termination.

it was different from the succubus 'blasphemy, which was an area-of-effect sound wave spell.

Finger of Death, which could only be used at close range, had a limited attack range and could only be used on a single target. However, it was not like blasphemy, which had a death effect that required a level difference of ten levels.

From the moment the Finger of Death was developed, every time it appeared, it would come with the will of death.

It drew upon the most original power of death in the world.

Everyone present could feel the fear of death. They even couldn't help but shudder.

But the succubus didn't care.

wizard reyan, who was close to the legendary level, was already a level 20 spellcaster, but he still could not break through its spell resistance.