the statue

"Does the Holy emblem count?" Zhao Xu asked a question that he felt was a bit pointless.

"Master, this Holy emblem was given to you by the church, not by the goddess. It's just that you can display the power of the goddess through the Holy emblem." lacus retorted mercilessly.

zhao xu almost slapped his thigh when he heard this.

reyan had once borrowed a goddess '" notebook " for zhao xu in order to awaken some of his priest abilities in advance.

the notebook was a 'token' to him.

it was a pity that zhao xu had immediately obtained his territory, dispel undead creatures, and other priest abilities on the spot, so he had been able to cast divine spells immediately.

So Reyan had always been envious of Zhao Xu's divine grace, but Zhao Xu himself had never come into contact with the true token of the goddess.

There were still a few notebooks of the goddess in the legendary library at the top of the floating city, but the library spirit, Lu duo, had warned him.