Reaching the new city

In an instant, without waiting for Zhao Xu and the others to explain, the archers standing on the high slope immediately shot their arrows at the two.

The entire process was seamless.

Or it could be said that when Zhao Xu saw the brass treasure chests piled up at their feet, he already knew that this matter would not end well.

In Arthur, other than using adventurers to balance out the adventurers, the other forces would rely on cavalry and bow formations to fight against professionals.

After ordinary civilians and mercenaries had undergone armor training and were equipped with a group of long Spears, it was indeed difficult for ordinary adventurer teams to resist.

And right now, Zhao Xu wasn't a normal adventurer team.

When the first wave of arrows that didn't have any buffs on them landed on Zhao Xu's body, most of them were blocked by his advanced Wizard armor.

He had already filtered out the first wave of attacks.