
When Zhao Xu got closer to the wall in front of him, his initial judgment was confirmed. It was just an opaque force field wall.

They were imprisoned by the force field wall formed by the six-sided combination.

If it had been an ordinary stone or iron wall, he could have broken through it with the 'walking staff' and the 'gate of phase'.

Arthur wasn't particularly magical or beyond reality. Sometimes, smashing walls was also a way to get to places that he couldn't reach.

He could even cast a spell to enhance Vivian's power, so that she could cut open a mountain with a sword.

Zhao Xu gently touched the " wall " with his hand.

All of a sudden, the scene in front of him started to turn illusory. There seemed to be countless winding paths in front of him, and they were still extending.

His consciousness seemed to have become a fish swimming in it, and he had to control the fish to break through the huge and complicated maze.