Chapter 414-the right solution

At that critical moment, Zhao Xu knew that all the invisible armor buffs on his body had been broken through.

When the sword touched the cloak and sank into his skin, his starry cloak suddenly burst out with a dazzling meteor radiance, blocking the large sword that was three-quarters of his height.

Half of the force was removed.

But the other half of the blade's murderous aura had already entered Zhao Xu's body.

[adventurer zhongxia, you have been attacked by an Iron Golem. You have received 17 HP (2d10 + 7). The damage from the star Cloak has been halved to 9 hp.]

A magic weapon!

Zhao Xu didn't expect these iron golems to be equipped with such luxurious magic weapons.

Otherwise, non-magic weapons would have been shattered by the cloak the moment they touched him.

This also directly reduced his 27 health points to only 18 points.

With this kind of rhythm, two more slashes and he would fall.