I'm zhongxia

Winter city, goddess of magic church.

The early morning of the winter bath was supposed to be open for believers to visit the church, but at this time, most of the clergymen in the church were in a hurry and busy.

"Archbishop soz."

At this moment, a nun knocked on the door frame of the VIP reception room. After receiving a response from inside, she walked in with her head lowered and immediately recognized the Deputy commander of the city guards sitting opposite Archbishop soz.

The people sitting next to him were the higher-ups of the church.

The nun followed the etiquette and walked to soz, put down the envelope, and said in a low voice, " this is a letter from the parish.

Soz, the highest-ranking person in charge of the church in Winterfell, quickly opened the letter and read it.

The parish that the sister mentioned was in charge of all the goddess churches in several countries North of the ice Mountain range.