An explosion within a hundred kilometers

The four Elemental Lords were immediately caught in an inexplicable attraction force. Their originally huge bodies, which were tens of meters tall, became blurry, as if they were drawn by an invisible pen in the void.

The Lord of wind element, who had turned into a tornado and was trying to sweep Zhao Xu up, was the most affected. It was being affected and suppressed even more, as if it was being affected by another circle of wind that had reversed.

The notebook that Zhao Xu had taken out was right in the eye of the storm.

Suddenly, the wind blades and air blades that were originally mixed in with the tornado seemed to have weakened and become dull. They no longer had that sharp cutting feeling.

Zhao Xu slowly felt his body being lifted up by a strong current of air. He no longer lost his balance, but he also didn't fall down.

their eyes have changed. That notebook is indeed-"