The ancient dragon blocking the way

At this moment, on this snowy land, the wind and snow outside the carriage constantly hit the window, as if they were trying to squeeze into the inner layer.

Frere was also observing Zhao Xu the entire time, trying to capture the information in every single word he said.

It didn't matter to Frere whether or not Zhao Xu was really going to take out a godly item to help him find the murderer.

All of his intentions were to help his younger sister get to the top.

This time, before returning to the capital, Olu, he had been suddenly attacked by the winter Wolves, which had put him on high alert.

When they thought that commander donder only had one illegitimate daughter, many senior members of the Alliance wanted to bet on that side as much as possible. As a result, his younger sister's side, which used to be very crowded with people, became less crowded.