an unexplainable secret

Due to the existence of magic, the defense system of buildings had to take it into account.

the governor's manor of olu city occupied an extremely large area. it also had another name in olu city-inner city.

the gate of the inner city alone occupied almost an entire street, and the other three outer walls had a five-meter-wide " moat ". Not to mention the various sentry towers that were densely packed in the city, just the arrow towers on the edge of the wall were set up every few hundred steps. If one day, Olu city was really captured, this inner city could hold on for a while.

The inner city itself was divided into a front yard and a back yard.

The front yard was where the official departments of the Alliance were stationed, while the back yard was the office and residence of commander donder.

for a level 5 spell like 'teleportation', the governor's mansion's building complex had taken it into consideration when it was designed.