Chapter 586 Ernest!

As Zhao Xu spoke, Wuyue, who was still a little girl, clearly couldn't understand what was happening.

she just looked at the big brother who had just made the evil dragon disappear in confusion.

After Zhao Xu laughed at his own naivety, he also realized what was going on.

when wuyue met ernest in his previous life, she had already become a shepherdess. it was obvious that the dragon's attack had caused wuyue to lose her parents.

In the countryside, without her parents to rely on and her family's property burned to ashes, it was not easy for Wuyue to grow up to look like a young girl by working as a Shepherd.

In reality, Wuyue hadn't met Zhao Xu in history. There was a high chance that she had been knocked unconscious by a giant Dragon's spit, but she had managed to survive.

Zhao Xu let out a sigh when he saw this.

Even Wuyue, who once stood at the peak of Arthur, had a fragile past that she did not want to recall.