Chapter 629-elementary ancient martial arts

as for the specialties and magic abilities, we can also use 'rhinoceros charge'. This Paladin's first circle divine spell can double the damage of the first attack after the charge.

next is The White Crow style of the nine Swords system, which has a lot of fixed stacking damage. Of course, the Tiger Claw style also has a good bonus for jumping strike.

there's also a variant ability among the Paladins, which is to sacrifice the Mount's ability in exchange for the 'charging pain strike' ability. This ability can double the damage of the evil-shattering slash used during the charge, and they can also stack with the double of the charge.

at this moment, zhao xu's few words had already led everyone in the direction of swiping their cards.

His thoughts were also very clear. At first, it was a method of stacking fierce power, and now it was a method of fixed damage with forward charge.