Take it back


It's already 2021 A.D., How could there still be such a melodramatic plot?

When he heard that Ernest had lost all of his memories, Zhao Xu suddenly fell into a Strange Daze.

He was like a melodramatic action movie that had just reached its climax and was suddenly forced to a stop by someone, who then switched hands with a melodramatic director.

I love you, you love him, and he loves me.

"D-don't be joking, right?" Zhao Xu quietly protested.

however, antonya's eyes were filled with pity as she said, " actually, i also hope that this was a joke. otherwise, i would have met the white moonlight of my life earlier than i originally did. "

"Or perhaps, I wouldn't have been able to witness all the tragedies from birth to my childhood."

Zhao Xu felt his heart throb a little.

In Antonya's memories, he had once seen her when she was young, lonely, and helpless. She had that pitiful look in her eyes that made people want to hug her and give her warmth.