
After the demon Slayer Spider heard Zhao Xu's command, it couldn't help but feel its soul tremble. It said in a trembling voice, " "Alright, please follow me."

then, it started moving its eight limbs and took the initiative to open up a path for zhao xu. however, it wasn't very particular about the path that it took. there were all sorts of spider webs and sticky liquid falling from the ceiling.

luckily, zhao xu had the spell " freedom of movement " to protect him, so he wouldn't be affected by the web's binding effect at all. he was able to follow the witcher spider in front of him through the entire process.

"How many years have you been here?" zhao xu suddenly asked curiously.

"About five hundred years." The Witcher Spider replied. It was still walking at a fast pace, and its telepathic ability accurately conveyed its will to the other party.

Zhao Xu frowned slightly.