
In 2009, Nature magazine had published several theses on sirolimus.

A group of scientists separated nearly 2,000 twenty-month-old white mice which were the equivalent of a sixty-year-old human into two groups. One of the groups was fed with food mixed with sirolimus.

The results of the experiment proved to be rather surprising. The average lifespan of the group of mice which ingested sirolimus displayed an increase of 14% over the other group.

In the last century, scientists discovered two methods for prolonging the lifespan of mammalian species. The first method is by "repairing" the genes while the second method was by monitoring their diet, lowering their fat intake.

Needless to say, the gene repairing solution was only viable with the assistance of devices like the Medpod 3000.

The purpose of reducing fat intake was to minimize the activation of a protein molecule known as TOR.