Secret of the Teleporter

There was this little story Chen Chen had once heard:

It was a tale of the distant future, which by that point human civilization had invented countless dark technologies, one of them being teleportation.

This was how it operated: You would walk into the teleportation platform, which was a very small room. After that, you would select your desired location, assuming you were departing from Shangdu and headed for Kyoto.

Upon choosing your destination, you would then click the button. At that point, the devices in the teleportation room would perform a full scan of your body, collected data on each atom as well as the precise location of each atom on your body.

While the teleportation room performed its scanning routine on you, it was also demolishing you part-by-part. While scanning, it tore down each cell in your body and decomposed them into its most basic, particle state.