Transformative Characteristic of Memes

"Meme is an independent noun. To put it in simple terms, it can be described as viruses in the form of messages which continuously mutates as it spreads. It has similarities to the MD5 code in transcoders or the DNA fragment in ribosomes. The spread of memes is essentially the spread of information.

"For example, someone who sees something funny will naturally share it with the person. This is the transmission process of memes. The meme begins to spread when the next person to hear the joke shares it again with someone new.

"Humans have a natural incentive to spread the information they collect. This is otherwise known as a 'self-reward mechanism'. Simply put, spreading information brings people joy.

"To make themselves happier, people will gladly share something that may be entirely unrelated to themselves. Sometimes, they may even do so at their own expense, for example…"

"Celebrity worship."