
The XTN-003 robot was a combination of the best traits of the robots from the movies Terminator, Elysium, and I, Robot in conjunction with the technology implemented in the Xingtian Project. The product was a finalized safety robot.

The structure of these robots was nearly identical to humans. They were bipedal, capable of running and jumping, and were more agile than the average person. These robots could perform many tasks that most humans were not capable of.

With all that said, regardless of how intricate the robot's structure was, most governmental bodies had the resources to replicate the same gears and structures to create the same product. The most critical and valuable element was the source code and core algorithm.

It was the source code that allowed the robot to move the way that humans do. To draw a comparison, the shell of the robot was the equivalent of the human body while the source code would be the human conscience and soul.