Dimension’s Child

Outside a towering Roman cathedral, a man drenched in blood with his throat mangled into chunks of flesh and blood levitated into the air like a transcendental being. The onlookers screamed and scrambled away from this monstrosity.

Upon witnessing this, the first phrase that would come to anyone's mind was not "miracle", "God" or whatnot but devilish embodiments such as "Satan", "devil", "evil"...

While all this was happening, a bearded man holding a phone who stood approximately twenty meters away was trembling like a bundle of sticks. He watched as the Chinese man in the middle of the field levitated into the air. He saw the neck of this person twisting in unnatural angles before the person's bent neck reverted to a natural position.

He wanted to run when he saw this paranormal occurrence but his body refused to obey him. Every ounce of strength had been drained away from his body. Even lifting a finger was a tall task...