
After instructing Shais to look after his cryogenic chamber, Chen Chen took a set of clothes and left Shais' baronial mansion, and went outside the castle.

Right outside the castle, he saw a bunch of plain houses.

This city was named the city of Khun, after Shais' surname.

To call it a city might be generous since the spectacle Chen Chen saw resembled a crumbling civilization more than anything. These so-called houses were built with stones mixed with some sort of mud. Most of the houses were only single-story while the wealthier members were fortunate enough to have the addition of a second floor.

The streets were unfathomably dirty. All sorts of waste such as excrement and wastewater were simply dumped outside the doors of most households and dried out by the sun over time.

There was nothing remotely resembling a drainage system, no greenery, and no traces of commercial centers or a place for leisure.