
Meeting New Members

Right after his work ended, Eric had left his office in order to pick Adrienne. He was disturbed to find that she was nowhere and thought she might have left for home after class. He was on his way home when he noticed a blond head talking with someone in front of her. When she suddenly stood up, he realized that it was none other than Adrienne herself. He had parked the car in front of the café, waiting for her to come out. He was angry. He was so mad that he wanted to shove her in to show her how much irritated he was "Get in" his voice sharp and cold. Adrienne was so shocked to see him that she couldn't even budge. She didn't know why he was there. Was it to pick her up? So he really cares? No. That'll never happen. For him to ever care for her was a foreign phenomena. Maybe there was something else he wanted.

"Adrienne! Please listen to-" She almost forgot that Michael was there and jumped up a little when he appeared 'coz she had been too busy staring at her husband. She saw him looking at the person in front, with a bit of confusion. She then turned to concentrate on her husband who had already started walking towards the other end, getting inside. She didn't take much time after that and started moving herself towards the passenger door, opening it before glancing at Michael who looked back at her with a questioning gaze and got seated in. After making sure she was completely in, Eric started the engine and sped up to god knows where.


Eric had stopped his car in front of a big mansion. Adrienne looked around in wonder. It had a marvelous garden with lot of beautiful flowers and a big water fountain in the middle with birds scattered around, chirping and bathing. It also had a big car porch which was filled with many expensive cars.

They then got out and started walking straight to the front door passing by roses on their way in. Adrienne found herself hard not to stop and pluck one of those, smelling it. One of her weakness. Eric moved forward to press the bell and within seconds the door burst open and came out an old man. Before she could register who the person is, she was crushed into a bone-breaking hug. The person then moved back giving her some space to breath and she saw Mr Randolph Johnson smiling at her beaming with happiness. "Finally! We all were waiting for you for so long that I thought this brat over here, had forgotten his promise". He turned to face Eric with a smile and moved to give him a similar hug.


"My child." He then turned to face them both. "Come on in, you two. Anny made a lot of delicious food. Hope our new member would like it." He gave Adrienne a warm smile. On their way in, Adrienne stopped to see a photograph on the left side of the wall which seemed familiar to her. She then moved closer to get a better view and saw a beautiful young lady who was seated on a chair with a 5 year old on her lap, smiling at his mother. Then a handsome young man standing behind them with a serious look on his face staring straight ahead. He had dark green eyes and dark brown hair which added to his intimidating look. Now she knew from whom Eric got that. And those mesmerizing blue eyes from his mother.

"My Ella." She turned to see Mr Randolph standing beside her looking at the picture with a sad smile. "Don't he look like his mother more?"

"Yes, he does." She said before turning back to the picture.

"Hey you two! Come over here. Let us have lunch first. It's already late and you all might be hungry." They turned back to see Mrs Ann Johnson arranging the table with her grandchildren's help, chatting and laughing before glancing at them again. They then faced each other with a laugh before turning back and started walking towards them.


Adrienne was staring straight ahead, watching vehicles moving back and forth as her mind went back to the evening. It was past 8.00 when they had moved out of the mansion-like-house. The food was brilliant. She had a great time with all of them but as usual Eric ignored her throughout the day. Everyone had been kind to her. She enjoyed talking to Eric's grandfather the most, who made her laugh with his little jokes. She was shocked to find that Eric had a sister, a 'twin', with dark brown hair and dark green eyes just like her father. No one got their mother's beautiful long straight black hair which Adrienne envied a bit. Eric also had a niece. A cute little 3 year old who was named after their mother. Whenever they talked, Annabel always reminded her of Isabel, her bestie, whom she had lost contact, a year ago. Even their names sounded similar.

She knew Isabel was always mad ever since she came to know about Adrienne's forced agreement with her parents. She always advised Adrienne to be brave enough to say no whenever they called or met. But she couldn't make her understand that refusal was out of the question. From childhood on, Adrienne had always listened to her father and did everything he wanted. Choosing a career of his choice to even thinking of quitting her passion. Just to make him happy. But dance is a part of her. Even though her father did force her to quit, she never really let go of it completely. She would always sneak out of her house with her mother's help at night after making sure her father was out of sight and went to all the competitions she could get to. Her mother was her partner-in-crime. She would always help Adrienne to get loose from the troubles her father caused. But to her dismay, her mother refused to help her with the marriage, not only that, she even supported her father. And Adrienne didn't know why.

Her thought were cut off when the car halted to a stop. And she moved forward with such force that she thought she might have hit her head. She looked up to see her new house in sight. She didn't know how much deep in thought she had been to not realize they had already reached home. She turned to see her husband nowhere to be seen and felt sad that he didn't wait for her but left her alone in dark. She silently prayed to god and opened the door, slowly getting out. It was pitch black. No visible light to show her the way inside. She felt her body shaking and began to get panicked. And she didn't know what to do. She then closed her eyes and concentrated her mind whilst breathing in-and-out slowly. She moved her hand towards her bag, opening it and took out her phone. She opened her eyes, searched for the flashlight button and started moving after turning it on. After she had successfully walked in with her beloved phone's help, she stopped midway and stood at the entrance, looking straight to her husband's burning eyes. He was sitting on the couch, arms crossed, glaring at her. "What the fuck were you thinking?" She jolted back startled from the force of his tone.

After a long piercing silence, she parted her lips to reply "What did i do?" She asked in a small voice which was inaudible to human ears. She thought he might not have heard it and moved to face the marble floor. Staring at her own reflection.

"Look at me when I'm talking, goddammit!" No one had ever yelled at her. Nor Michael. Not even her father. This was the first time anyone had spoken to her-in such a way. She drank back her tears which had started to blind her vision and lifted her head up to look at his eyes. She saw pure rage. She had no clue what she had done for him to get this mad.

"Now answer me. What the god fucking thing where you doing with that guy on the café." He said. His rage increasing by the second. Even more when he saw her jump back by his loud voice.

"That.. He is just a friend. We met randomly at college after 3 years. Then he asked me out for a coffee and I said yes since it's been so long. That's all and noth-"

"That's all!?" He was enraged. "Do you see me as a fool Adrienne? So you could get to lie whenever you want-straight to my face!?"

"No! It isn't like that, I swear i-"

"Just shut up!" He then stood up, rushing towards her and stopped when they were a centimeter apart.