Helpless Choice

Shi Lei wanted to help out, but Zhou Wen rejected his offer. 

He chased Shi Lei away and explained that it was he who undertook the task, so it would be inappropriate for Shi Lei to help. 

Besides, he was incapable of unleashing his full potential with Shi Lei around. 

Then, he began the electrophoresis analysis when he was done preparing the gel. 

In order to prevent mistakes, he carried out every step of the process strictly according to the operating procedures. Every technique, temperature, and timing was controlled with precision and search for perfection. At the same time, his Truevision was unleashed at all times to prevent any bacteria pollution. 

After turning on the electrophoresis gel, he turned around and placed the extracted sample onto the microscope slide and loaded it to the microscope for electron microscopic observation. 

Nevertheless, he did not manage to discover any suspicious bacteria from the mutated aphid's specimen through the observation. 

Even though Zhou Wen was convinced that he had not been poisoned, it was better to be safe than sorry. 

He insisted on performing a blood test on himself as well. The blood test result was not unexpected. He found that he was extremely healthy through the electron microscopic observation as well as through his Truevision. 

"Very nice…"

Zhou Wen was joyous. 

The final ounce of ill feelings he had in his heart had also vanished into nothingness. 

Next, he began to perform the DNA extraction task. 

He dissected the white mouse skillfully, extracted its bone marrow, washed it, placed it in the centrifuge, and then completed the DNA extraction in one go. 

Moreover, he managed to extract not just four samples in one extraction attempt but seven samples. This was something that an ordinary biology student could never accomplish. 

Next, he began the electron microscopic observation. 

In reality, there was already no need for an electron microscopic observation since he could already see that the DNA extraction was successful using his Truevision. 

However, the system had yet to receive a notification that the mission was accomplished, which signified that he could not skim on the electron microscope observation step. 

He dyed the DNA and ran it through the centrifuge, extracted it, blew it out, added a fixing agent, and then ran it through the centrifuge again before adding the fixing agent again. 

The fixing agent was meant to set the DNA to prevent the DNA from dissolving after the centrifugation process. 

Finally, he extracted it to a glass slide and placed it on the microscope stage for electron microscopic observation. 


Zhou Wen cracked into a joyous smile when he heard the notification sound upon completing the mission. He took a glance at the timer and noted that he spent two hours to complete the entire process. It could be said that he performed it at an astonishing speed. Even Shi Lei's eyeballs would roll out their sockets from surprise if he were to learn about Zhou Wen's amazing skill. 

He was about to bring up the mission interface when his mentor, who was usually mysterious about his whereabouts, Professor Wang Huiyao, came walking through the door. 

Wang Huiyao was over 50 years old and had a tall, bulky stature. He had a fair complexion and no facial hair on his face. He was dressed in a suit and tie. Those that were unacquainted with him would think that he was an elite sales agent. 

Upon seeing Zhou Wen alone in the laboratory, Wang Huiyao asked curiously, "Why are you here alone? Where are the rest?"

Zhou Wen answered, "Shi Lei and Lin Jiayi just left not long ago. The rest didn't come."

Wang Huiyao nodded but did not comment further. 

It was a publicly known fact that biology graduates had no future. He understood the students' refusal to spend their limited energy and effort in a laboratory that provided little to no technical skills. It was inappropriate for him to criticize them anyway. 

His gaze swept across the laboratory once; then, he was ready to leave. He actually came here to look for Shi Lei. But since Shi Lei was not around, he had no intention to extend his stay. 

However, it was also at this time when Wang Huiyao noticed the microscope slide mounted on the stage. He extended his hand and pointed while saying, "Is this yours?"

Zhou Wen nodded, scratched his head, and said, "Hmm, yes, Professor Wang."

Wang Huiyao did not bring up the matter of newcomers strictly not allowed to operate the electron microscope, but he asked, "How's your learning?"

Wang Huiyao asked this question casually. It was already quite impressive for students that had just come to the laboratory recently, like Zhou Wen, to perform an electrophoresis analysis well. It was truly a little overreaching for him to count on them to perform the electron microscopic analysis well. 

Not that the electron microscopic observation was a very difficult process but mainly because the extraction failure was typically caused by earlier flaws in the procedure like the centrifuge, extraction, or dye process. 

Therefore, Wang Huiyao did not expect Zhou Wen to actually point to the six DNA samples on the side and say, "I'm almost done with my learning. These samples have all been examined with electron microscopic observation."

"Oh?" Wang Huiyao felt rather surprised. At the time, he was slightly astonished even. "You did this all by yourself?"

"Yes, Professor Wang."

Wang Huiyao looked left and right and remembered that Shi Lei and the others were not around. "Your name is… Zhou Wen, right?"


Wang Huiyao nodded ever so slightly, yet he felt incredulous in his heart. He mentored so many batches of undergraduate interns in this program yet it was very rare for anyone to perform an electron microscopic observation well at the undergraduate level. 

He made his way to the side of the electron microscope and inspected it. 

After checking that the electron microscope was not damaged, he looked at the glass slide mounted on the stage and asked, "How many hours did you spend?"

Zhou Wen looked at the ceiling clock and realized that it was already half past six without his knowing. He said, "Uh...about ten hours."

Zhou Wen reported a longer time period on purpose. 

Wang Huiyao had no idea that the six DNA samples were extracted from the same white house. In his perception, there were two groups at the very least. 

In other words, one group took five hours on average under ordinary circumstances without any issue. 

It was already beyond impressive for an undergraduate student to achieve such a feat. In fact, one could even say that the student was exceptional. 

Wang Huiyao took a seat in front of the electron microscope and adjusted the lens before he began the observation. 

A few seconds later, there was a look of astonishment on Wang Huiyao's face. 

He could see the DNA structures on the glass slide clearly. 

Wang Huiyao looked up and cracked into a faint smile. He praised, "You did well."

Zhou Wen answered humbly, "It was senior Shi Lei that taught me well."

Wang Huiyao sized up Zhou Wen in all apparent seriousness. 

Zhou Wen was rather tall, and he was rather good looking too. He had a powerful gaze that exuded a rarely-seen confidence amongst the youngsters of the modern age. 

Wang Huiyao stood up and patted Zhou Wen's shoulder. He chuckled and asked, "I remember that you have yet to take the entrance examination for the postgraduate program, right? How about this, are you interested in taking the examination and becoming my postgraduate student?"

Zhou Wen had an embarrassed expression on his face. 

If this was a different profession, it would really be a huge honor for the professor to extend an invitation personally like this. 

Yet, this was the biology program… 

The postgraduate students in this country were only capable of performing some slightly more difficult experiments already done by other researchers and helping their tutor to perform some lowly tasks. It was the same with Ph.D. students too. They would never stand a chance to conduct experiments independently, and the act of taking a postgraduate program was basically a waste of time. 

In an unpleasant way of speech, they would become the tutor's low-cost labor. 

Even though the situation was slightly better overseas, it was still better with limitations. This was because of the field of study. 

Biology was a research-based field of science. A student would not only need to understand all the basic knowledge of the biology course but also learn about all the knowledge related to research before the student could bring forth new ideas. 

It was also unnecessarily difficult. 

Wang Huiyao seemed to have understood Zhou Wen's thoughts upon noticing his expression. He did not comment further, but the smile faded away from his face. He then nodded before he left. 

Even though he had an affinity for talents, he would never stoop so low that he would curry favor with a student. 

On the other hand, Zhou Wen exhaled a breath of relief. Even though it was awkward action, he did it out of helplessness. 

As compared to taking a postgraduate program, he hoped that he could get into a research center instead or become a laboratory technician in a large scale laboratory. It would allow him to learn more and also allow him to conduct pharmaceutical experiments more quickly. 

He stood on the same spot pondering about his development next. Then, he was suddenly reminded of his mission, so he immediately brought up the system. 

The dialogue box on the property interface was still there. [Would you like to submit the assignment immediately? Yes/No]

Zhou Wen selected 'yes'. 

[Ding! Mission accomplished. Loading reward… Congratulations, you have received 200 Course XP, 300 Points.]

[Would you like to open the loot box now? Yes/No]

Zhou Wen became excited once again as he saw the words on the dialogue box. He muttered to himself, "Please, God, I'm begging you. Please let me get 1000 bucks… or something that is worth some money. I'm not a choosy person."

He was so poor that he was going to sell his blood soon. 

The things in the market had all been affected by a price hike now. It would cost ten bucks for a simple plate of egg fried rice outside, and he did not even have the courage to order food delivery in fear of the delivery costs. 

He dared not even look at fruits as they would only make him cry tears of poverty. Therefore, Zhou Wen had selected 'yes' with great anticipation. 

The pitch-black treasure chest with wood patterns on it popped out. It was engraved with intricate patterns on the surface and an ancient-looking key levitated next to it just as before. 

He thought in his mind. 'Open.'

The key positioned itself into the keyhole and rotated once to open up the box. Then, an orb shimmering with crimson glow emerged. 

Before he could see the object clearly, a dialogue box popped out just like yesterday night. 

[Congratulations, you received - all-natural uncontaminated apple X10]