Only Women And Small-minded Men Are Hard To Deal With

Due to his inadequate English level, Zhou Wen could only read the Chinese subtitles on the screen before this upgrade. 

However, there was no need for that anymore. He could now watch many videos related to biology, including recordings and workshops that could be found on famous overseas biology websites such as BioInteractive and PBS Learning Media. 

Upon discovering the advantage of upgrading his course knowledge, Zhou Wen set out early and returned late at night every day for some time. He spent most of his time in the library. 

Naturally, his Course XP and cumulative points grew steadily. In addition, he discovered something else as well. He learned that the loot box could be brought to the next day if it was not opened.

There was no need to worry that the unopened loot boxes would be taken away by the system. This way, he could open two or three boxes at one go and experience double or triple joy. 

Zhou Wen hung out in the library for ten consecutive days and submitted five missions during that time. His XP grew to 1280. 

The two loot boxes that he had opened before this resulted in 100RMB and an empty box. 

Meanwhile, Zhou Wen had already accumulated three new loot boxes and planned to accumulate more before opening them. Hence, he had a plan to stick to his library routine. 

Ten days ago, it would have been very trying for him to watch any English videos online, which explained why he seldom attempted to bypass internet censorship at the time. But now that he became familiarized with the English language, he found that the biology lectures and recordings from overseas were truly interesting. 

Those lectures were especially interesting due to the combination of theory and application. They were delivered in a lively manner such that he gained an abundance of knowledge and rapidly widened his horizon. 

For example, there was a PCR experiment that he watched recently. Even though he had yet to carry one out personally, he had already understood all the procedures, techniques, and precautions thoroughly for the time being. He only lacked in practice. 

On the ninth of July, Monday, at nine in the morning, Zhou Wen received a call from Shi Lei seeking his help. 

Zhou Wen looked at the mission progress and realized that he had ten hours left on his current mission. 

He got up and placed the book back to the bookshelf before he packed up his belongings and rushed over to the laboratory. 

Upon arrival, Shi Lei was dissecting a white mouse in the laboratory while Lin Jiayi was watching a television series on her phone next door. 

On the other hand, Yang Yudong and Gu Hongyun were chatting jovially in the PCR laboratory. They were a couple. 

"What's going on, big brother?" Zhou Wen walked over and asked. 

Shi Lei replied, "A pharmaceutical company in Jingzhou City just called me up and asked me to go in for an interview. Thus, I wish to ask a favor from you."

Shi Lei had just finished his sentence when a prompt sound was heard in Zhou Wen's ears. [Ding! A request from Shi Lei, would you like to accept it?]

Zhou Wen did not bother to look at the taskbar before he continued, "DNA extraction, huh? No problem."

"Thank you. I shall treat you to a meal when I'm back."

Shi Lei expressed his gratitude, but then chuckled and said, "Oh right, the hospital laboratory department provided feedback to us saying that the concentration level of the DNA you extracted previously is way higher than the ones we extracted. How did you do that?"

"Heh-heh. I did everything according to how you taught me. Maybe it's just a coincidence," said Zhou Wen, smilingly. Then, he waved his hand to dismiss Shi Lei by saying, "Alright. You should head out soon. Let's talk more later. Don't let the company grow impatient from waiting for you."

"Hmm, I shall leave then…" Shi Lei left the laboratory in a rush right after. 

Then, Zhou Wen brought up the taskbar panel. A mission dialogue box popped out before him. 

[Mission: Help Shi Lei extract nine white mouse's DNA samples.

Reward: 200 Course XP, 300 Points. 1x Loot box Chance (Wood)

Would you like to accept it?]

Seeing that the reward was 200 Course XP, Zhou Wen muttered to himself, "So there is a difference between active and passive missions, just as expected."

Meanwhile, Lin Jiayi suddenly looked up and asked, "Huh, why did he leave?"

"He has some matters to attend to," answered Zhou Wen, casually. He chose to accept the mission then proceeded to carry out Shi Lei's tasks. 

Lin Jiayi giggled and asked, "Hey Zhou Wen, what have you been doing recently?"

"Thinking about the topic of my thesis."

Lin Jiayi answered with an "Oh". Then, she leaned her head back and gossiped, "I heard from Shi Lei that you saved a man in the night market, right?"


"Did you really perform CPR on that old man?"


"Eew!!! That's really gross." Lin Jiayi shuddered and made a disgusted expression on her face upon noticing that Zhou Wen was nodding. 

Zhou Wen, who was staring at the centrifuge, raised his head and said in astonishment, "What did you say?"

Lin Jiayi still maintained the disgusted expression on her face and said, "Could it be that you don't find it gross to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on an old man?"

Zhou Wen looked at Lin Jiayi and realized that she did not intend it as a joke. Therefore, he added, "If that person is your parent, do you think that I will refuse to save them just because I find the idea gross?"


Lin Jiayi was rendered speechless by Zhou Wen's critic. Her face turned green in anger for a moment before turning pale from fear in the next moment. 

At last, she turned around with a perturbed expression. 

Zhou Wen smiled and dismissed the matter. 

From the moment he entered the laboratory, the so-called senior, Lin Jiayi, had never offered a helping hand to him. On the contrary, he frequently helped her out with tasks despite being a newcomer. 

Moreover, she had never learned how to express her gratitude for his help. She behaved as if she deserved everything that he did for her. 

Just like when he helped her with the DNA extraction previously, she did not thank him at all afterward. 

On the contrary, she was frequently ridiculing him for showing off. 

He could not be bothered to pay attention to a selfish yet self-conceited woman like her. It would be better for him not to even talk to her. 

So, he washed the white mouse's thigh bone, and then he began to extract its bone marrow. 

With Truevision, the act of extracting a white mouse's DNA was simple beyond imagination. 

After extracting the supernatant fluid, the next step would be the electron microscopic observation. 

Just as he was walking to the electron microscope with the glass slide in his hand, Lin Jiayi suddenly walked over to him and said coldly, "Who gave you the permission to use the electron microscope?"

Zhou Wen felt amused as he answered, "Do I need to get permission from you to use the electron microscope?"

Lin Jiayi then said loudly, "You don't need my permission, but there is a rule set by the laboratory that undergraduate students cannot operate the electron microscope."

"Go ahead and tell the tutor then…"

"I said that this is none of my business. But anyhow, you're not allowed to use it."

Zhou Wen's expression dimmed slowly. He had already tolerated this woman for a very long time. 

Just as both of them were all set for a showdown, the PCR laboratory door opened. Yang Yudong and Gu Hongyun came walking out of the room. 

Gu Hongyun asked, "Why are the two of you glaring and scowling at each other?"

Lin Jiayi, whose expression was icy cold originally, suddenly had reddened eyes, miraculously. She did not speak, but she made her way to the side and leaned against the table to begin sobbing softly. 

Gu Hongyun continued upon seeing that, "Zhou Wen, did you bully Jiayi?"

Zhou Wen responded rather expressionlessly, "Did I bully her? Do you think that she is a person who allows others to bully her?"

Gu Hongyun blinked her eyes and pretended to bark at him, "You're still refuting…"

Yang Yudong walked over and wrapped his arm around Zhou Wen's shoulder to pull him aside. "Alright, alright. Zhou Wen, it's best to talk less now. You're about to graduate soon, why bother…"

Meanwhile, Gu Hongyun began to console Lin Jiayi on the other side. "Don't cry, Jiayi. It's all Zhou Wen's fault. I'll help you to give him a good scolding later. Come, let's go and have lunch first."

Gu Hongyun tugged along the teary-eyed Lin Jiayi and left. 

Simultaneously, Yang Dongyu tugged at Zhou Wen as well and said, "Come, let's have lunch together."

"Hold on; I'll be ready in a minute…" Zhou Wen picked up the glass slide and placed it on the microscope stage. 

Yang Yudong stood by the side and said smilingly, "Only women and small-minded men are hard to deal with, be the bigger person. Don't bother fighting her…"

Zhou Wen adjusted the electron microscope's magnification while he said, "This woman speaks without thinking. I criticized her once, so she began to throw a tantrum… Forget it; I can't be bothered to talk about her."

Yang Yudong was about to guide him when he suddenly realized that Zhou Wen used the electron microscope to observe the DNA. He said in astonishment, "Huh, do you know how to perform an electron microscope observation already?"


"Since when did you learn that? Let me take a look…"

Yang Yudong squeezed Zhou Wen aside and took a peep into the lens. He could see the DNA chains on the glass slide as clear as day.