Biotype Gloves

Although Zhou Wen's compliments were not the nicest - it was even a little sarcastic - Xu Shuangyu was still very happy to receive a rare affirmation from him. 

She looked up at the night sky and extended her arms as she responded, "The person who I love will be the greatest hero ever to exist. One day, he will come to marry me in the most glamorous way possible!"

Zhou Wen said softly, "The most glamorous way possible - like driving a Ferrari with one hand?"

Xu Shuangyu put down her arms and smiled cheekily. "The greatest hero in history will obviously be powerful and rich; so, a Ferrari would be too lowly for him. It should at least be a private bombardier jet, don't you think?"

Zhou Wen glanced at her chest as he carried on the conversation, "Yeah, because your chest is so flat that it could be used as an airport?"

Zhou Wen escaped once he finished his question. 

Meanwhile, Xu Shuangyu paused to think about what he said, and once she understood it, she was furious. "You pervert! I dare you not to run…"

After saying bye to Xu Shuangyu, Zhou Wen headed straight to the library. He was accumulating his XP while reading through some data he set aside. Zhou Wen did not leave until the library was closed. 

When he returned to the hostel, the room was quiet and desolate. Zhou Wen felt that no one would come home tonight.

After cleaning himself up, Zhou Wen lit a cigarette on his bed and summoned the system to open his inventory. 

A pitch-black black metal loot box was lying inside, and next to it was a small and intricate key. 

Zhou Wen smiled quietly. 

The first black metal loot box gave him a biotype scar serum. If he could unlock a medicine of the same level or even a little lower, it would already be a great day. 

All of these items meant an immense fortune awaited him in the future. 

[Do you want to unlock the box now? Yes/No]


The box opened slowly, and a gentle white light emerged out of the box. A small, square box rose into the air. 

Through the transparent plastic packaging, Zhou Wen could see that the object was shaped like a glove. 

[Congratulations, you have obtained biotype gloves x100.]

"Shit, why gloves?" Zhou Wen had high hopes, so when he saw the gloves, he felt a little disappointed. 

Fortunately, he had already gone through enough disappointments to learn how to cope with it quickly. 

Gloves it is; at least he would be able to use it in the lab. 

He looked at the gloves, and there were some descriptions at the back. [The gloves are usable for up to 24 hours once the packaging is opened, and it will vanish automatically after that.]

Zhou Wen smiled and thought to himself, 'It's quite similar to the biotype mask.'

He took out a pair of milk-white biotype gloves and glanced at the inventory list; the number of biotype gloves dropped to 99. 

After tearing open the packaging, Zhou Wen turned on his phone's torch to examine the biotype gloves. It looked similar to normal rubber lab gloves but thinner and lighter. In fact, it felt nearly weightless in his hands. 

He stretched it and noticed that it was very stretchable. Putting down his phone, he put the glove on his right hand. He was surprised by how smooth the glove was. Before he even realized, the glove already slid onto his hand as though it was lubricated with oil. 

Immediately, he could feel the glove tightening around his fingers. It felt very comfortable and warm, as though he was soaked in a hot spring, but, at the same time, it did not inhibit his movements at all. 

Zhou Wen was once again surprised by the system's items; he could not help but exclaim, "This is how gloves should be!"

Of course, he knew that comfort was only one minor aspect of the biotype gloves - its functionality was way more important.

Take the biotype mask, for example. The last time he unintentionally looked at the biotype mask with his Truevision, he discovered that there was not even a single strand of bacterium on the surface of the mask. It was unbelievable! 

Then, he touched the mask with his hand, and to his surprise, all of the germs on his hand died the moment they came into contact with the mask. 

From that, he deduced that the biotype mask was made with a material that had a strong antibacterial property. 

So, the biotype gloves should have similar functions, right?

He quickly turned on his Truevision, and just as he expected, his right hand was completely free of microorganisms.

When he used his germ-covered left hand to touch the biotype glove, the kingdom of germs dissolved within a second, like a snowflake under the scorching sun. 

Zhou Wen was deeply amazed. 

This sanitizing speed would be so useful in the lab. He would not need to spend two to three hours each day sanitizing his lab equipment anymore. 

After experimenting with his gloves, Zhou Wen felt too lazy to take them off. So, he wore it to sleep. 

At 7:30 in the morning, Zhou Wen rushed to the inpatient department at the hospital. 

Half an hour earlier, the old lady called him to ask if he could give Guo Baichun another shot of painkillers.

When he arrived at the room, he could hear Guo Baichun groaning in pain. The old lady comforted Guo Baichun when Zhou Wen entered the room; her exhausted face finally looked relieved when she saw him.

"You're here!"

"Yep, how's Uncle Guo?"

"He's doing quite okay. Yesterday, he was a little more energetic than usual, and he slept pretty well at night," the old lady spoke as she took a chair for Zhou Wen. 

Zhou Wen sat down next to the bed and smiled. "That's great. At what time did he start feeling pain?"

To understand the effective drug duration for better judgment during the next application, he told the old lady to remember the time at which Guo Baichun began feeling pain. 

"5.10 this morning."

"Why didn't you call me earlier?"

The old lady smiled, and she responded, "5 a.m. is too early; you youngsters sleep very late nowadays."

Zhou Wen was moved. The old lady was truly very kind; she always put herself in others' shoes and was constantly afraid of troubling others. 

"It's okay, granny. I have a lot of energy; you can always call me…"

Zhou Wen was talking while retrieving his single-use syringe. He gave Guo Baichun a shot of the biotype painkiller. 

A minute later, the drug took effect, and Guo Baichun started to calm down. The old lady patted Guo Baichun's hand and shook Zhou Wen's hand thankfully. 

Zhou Wen smiled and nodded. He took a needle from his bag, grabbed Guo Baichun's arm, collected his blood sample, and stored it in his icebox.

"Granny, I'll leave first."

"Okay. Thanks for coming over."

"No problem."

The two of them were walking out of the ward when the old lady said, "I want to complete the hospital discharge procedure today."

Zhou Wen was shocked; he tried to persuade her, "The biotype painkiller can only suppress pain; you still need to use it along with other hospital treatment."

The old lady shook her head upon hearing what he said. "There's no need for any treatments anymore. For his remaining days, I want to bring him around the suburban cities. Your uncle lived a tough life, and I don't want him to spend the final moments of his life in a hospital bed."

"Then…" Zhou Wen pondered what he wanted to say for a while and nodded. "That's fine too. But the two of you must take care of yourselves. Don't be too tired, especially you. For the painkiller…"

The old lady smiled. "My body is fine; I hired someone to escort us. If I can walk, I'll walk. If I can't, I'll just use the wheelchair. There will always be a solution. The painkillers won't be a problem too. We will depart in the morning and return at night; we won't stay out through the night. If you have time, come over. My house is just at Bodhisattva Lane across the street. If you don't have time, just let me do the injection. I can manage it."

"Sure!" Zhou Wen nodded. Then, he remembered the debit card and pulled it out from his pocket to put it in the old lady's hand. "This is yours; I can't take it."

"What are you doing?" The old lady quickly put it back into Zhou Wen's hands. "If you don't take it, I don't want your help anymore."

"I can help you, but I can't take the money!" Zhou Wen pushed the card back and turned to leave. "I'll leave now; see you guys tomorrow."


The old lady shouted, but Zhou Wen left without looking back. She looked at the debit card in her hands and smiled. "Why's this child so stubborn..."