Why Are You Being So Nice To Him?

Due to the loud music, the two girls performing their fat-burning aerobics in the living room did not notice the sound of the door being opened in the beginning. 

However, one of the girls with a ponytail braid, who was slightly shorter and had smaller boobs, noticed Zhou Wen standing at the door after the door was opened. 

She gasped aloud in shock and pulled the other girl, who was still dancing, to hide behind the sofa. She looked at the doorway vigilantly and called out, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Don't panic, don't panic; I'm a tenant here."

Zhou Wen explained briefly but his voice was mostly covered up by the music. Hence, he raised the backpack and the trolley luggage on the floor to show them. 

The two girls picked up their jackets on the sofa and covered themselves. One of them stretched out a hand to turn off the Xiaomi Soundbar on the coffee table. 

Meanwhile, Zhou Wen could see the taller girl's face clearly now. It was actually Shen Xue from the gynecology department. 

Shen Xue could also see Zhou Wen's face clearly now. She said in surprise, "Hey, how come it's you?"

Zhou Wen felt amused as well and replied, "Yeah, what a coincidence."

Shen Xue was about to walk over to chat when she realized that her thighs were still exposed. The mini-shorts had just about covered her bouncy buttocks, so she pulled down her t-shirt to cover herself in embarrassment. "I'm going to get changed upstairs. Let's talk later."

Upon saying that, Shen Xue pulled the other girl along and went upstairs. 

Zhou Wen's gaze followed them involuntarily. These two girls had extremely good figures, especially Shen Xue, who was a little chubby. 


Zhou Wen closed the door and took out his newly-purchased slippers from his bag and placed it on the floor. He changed into the slippers before he went to the bedroom. 

He removed all the clothes and daily necessities from the trolley luggage and arranged them properly. 

As for bed sheets and blankets, he did not bring any as the place came with everything that was necessary. Moreover, the bedding products were all washed and sunned cleanly, so there was no need for him to lug over the set of old blankets from the hostel. 

He had just hung up his clothes and placed them into the cabinet when he heard the sound of footsteps coming from the outside. 

Soon, Shen Xue, who had already changed into homey pajamas, and her roommate walked into the room. 

Shen Xue asked smilingly, "How did you end up here?"

Zhou Wen chuckled and said, "It's a long story."

The girl standing next to Shen Xue said ferociously, "Tell us the story quickly then."

Shen Xue pouted prettily and said, "Mengmeng, be nice to him. He's my friend."

Upon saying that, Shen Xue did not wait for the girl's reply, but she continued to speak, "Please allow me to introduce you both. This is my friend from my university who is also a colleague, Zuo Mengmeng."

"This is Zhou Wen from the laboratory department; he is in the PCR Team."

Zhou Wen continued smilingly, "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you."

He realized that Zuo Mengmeng looked rather similar to Chingmy Yau. She looked like a girl with a smart mouth and sharp tongue, only that her lips were not as sexy as the beautiful Chingmy. 

Zuo Mengmeng pouted and grunted prettily, saying, "It's my bad. She is my best friend yet she is helping an outsider like you to scold me now. I'm angry, hmph…"

Zhou Wen chuckled. 

Shen Xue shoved Zuo Mengmeng. "Don't just stand there. Come help out, quick."

Shen Xue pulled along Zuo Mengmeng to help Zhou Wen put on the bedsheets and insert the quilt. 

"It's fine; I'll do it myself."

"It's okay…"

As Zhou Wen unpacked his stuff, he asked, "How did both of you end up living here?"

He believed that the old woman would never rent out this house based on his understanding of her. 

Zuo Mengmeng spoke in a provocative manner, "Just like yours, it's a long story."

"Mengmeng…" Shen Xue called her out and then turned around and said smilingly to Zhou Wen, "We encountered the owner of the house coincidentally when we went to look for a rental house in Bodhisattva Lane. She is quite an elderly woman. She heard that we are from the hospital, so she rented us the two bedrooms upstairs. Moreover, she only took a small amount of rent from us, which was mainly used to pay the hourly housekeeper to clean the house."

Zhou Wen nodded. 

That sounded about right. 

Zhou Wen talked about how he became acquainted with the old woman briefly. 

He removed the part about the pain relief medication, of course. 

When they were done settling down in the room, they headed to the living room together to watch television and chat leisurely. 

Shen Xue even brought some snacks and fruits from the kitchen. 

"Come, have some orange…" Shen Xue passed the hand-peeled orange that she personally peeled to Zhou Wen. 

"Thank you…"

Zuo Mengmeng sat cross-legged to watch television and witnessed this scene just in time. She said out of curiosity, "Huh, why are you being so nice to him? You even peeled an orange for him?"

Shen Xue's face blushed ever so slightly for a moment before she pulled a long face and said, "I'm peeling one for you too here, aren't I?"

As she was speaking, Shen Xue stuffed an orange in her hand. "Here, take it."

Zuo Mengmeng held the orange and said, "Can the two of us be treated the same? How many years have we known each other, and how long have you been acquainted with him? I'm jealous."

Zhou Wen laughed and said, "Alright. Don't be jealous. Here, take mine."

"Your hands have touched it. I don't want that…"

Zhou Wen felt speechless. 

They chatted for a while more before Zuo Mengmeng urged Shen Xue to go to sleep. 

They went upstairs, and Zuo Mengmeng followed Shen Xue to her room. 

Shen Xue said in puzzlement, "I thought you said you're tired; why aren't you showering and getting ready for bed?"

Zuo Mengmeng pouted her lips and said, "If I don't tell you I'm tired, could it be that I still have to stay there and watch both of you show off your love?"

Shen Xue chuckled and added, "How are we showing off our love? We're just friends. Oh, by the way, it was him who helped me when my relative had the test previously."



"I don't believe it."

"Suit yourself. Alright, go take a shower, quick.

"I want to shower with you."

"No, you're always trying to tickle me…"

All three of them left the house together in the morning. 

They had breakfast in a noodle shop near the entrance of the housing estate and then walked over to the hospital together. Then, they waved to each other to bid farewell at the west entrance of the hospital. 

After they parted ways for some distance, Shen Xue turned around and took a glance. 

Zuo Mengmeng said, "Alright, stop looking, or your eyes are going to fall out."

Shen Xue answered with slight embarrassment, "I didn't."

Zuo Mengmeng pursed her lips and said, "Yikes, you're still so stubborn. Go take a look at yourself in the mirror. Your face is blushing like a shy little woman in love, and you still say you aren't…"

Meanwhile, Zhou Wen was called into the meeting room of the laboratory department as soon as he arrived in the office. 

There were numerous people in the meeting room. Other than the deputy director of the laboratory department, Cao Hui, there was also the people-in-charge of the test team, biochemistry team, and the specimen preparation team. 

"I believe that the team leaders of the respective teams have already explained to all of you regarding the situation. May the team member of each team treat this matter seriously and display your highest standards in…"

The meeting's main content was to discuss the provincial Young Talent Conference, which was also the interhospital conference from before. It was that the important leaders of the province would be attending and observing the event personally. Hence, the hospitals involved were devoting a great deal of attention to this event too. 

Unfortunately, most of the time, the superior staff members moved their lips while the inferior staff members broke their legs running. 

Zhou Wen listened to it for a while and found it to be lacking in quality; everything seemed very generic. 

Wei Zhaogong, seated next to Zhou Wen, said, "I heard from Wu Yan that you're going to be the main candidate from our team, and you'll be taking part in the conference."

Zhou Wen replied, "It's not set yet!"

Wei Zhaogong said enviously, "I want to go actually, yet my capability is not permitting me to do so."

Jiang Hexuan, seated on the left of Zhou Wen, whispered softly, "Capability is one thing, but your mentality must pass too in view of the numerous leaders watching at the time. In case you embarrass yourself there, you will certainly be disciplined when you're back…"

The meeting did not last long, and they returned to the sixth floor after the meeting adjourned. Zhang Shuguang said, "Zhou Wen, please follow me to my office."

Zhou Wen obediently followed Zhang Shuguang to his office. 

They sat down, and Zhang Shuguang said, "I've discussed with Team Leader Yang, and we've agreed to send you as the representative of our two groups."

Zhou Wen said, "Ah…"

"Ah, what?"

"Nothing. I see."

Zhou Wen remembered the mission that he seemed to have yet to accept. Was this considered… as achieved?

He brought up the system's mission list and took a glance to see that the mission was still there. He clicked accept. 

In the next moment, the prompt sound of a successful mission was heard in his ears. 

[The mission's requirement has already been achieved; would you like to submit the assignment immediately?]


300 Course XP and 300 Points came into his possession. 

"Damn it; I got it by doing nothing. Awesome, awesome…"

Zhou Wen beamed with joy. 

He had never attempted a mission as simple as this. 

Meanwhile, Zhang Shuguang said, "It's too early to be happy. We will be organizing an internal competition tomorrow, and you're only allowed to attend by winning it."

Zhou Wen was not bothered by that. Since the system had already determined him as fulfilling the mission, it meant that his capability was the best of the two groups. The only change was the presence of Zhang Shuguang and Yang Liqun. 

Since they had already discussed and agreed upon this now, there would not be any major changes anymore, naturally. 

Zhang Shuguang paused for a moment before he said, "Anhui Province will be sending out its specialist team to Nanjing City. I'm not asking you to win honor for our department for sure, but you are not to embarrass us at the very least, do you copy?"

Zhou Wen answered, "Yes, I promise that I won't embarrass you, boss."

"Alright, get to work."

Zhou Wen left the office and headed to the comprehensive laboratory to take a look and see if he needed to extract DNA today. 

Soon afterward, he headed to the third floor and found Sun Jing to begin to tell her the story…