Stop By Qinhuai River At Night For A Drink

By the time Zhou Wen rushed over to the administrative building's meeting room, the 15 participants of the conference were all ready to start the journey. 

The convoy leader was the deputy hospital director from the administrative department, Li Haiqing. She stood on the rostrum and cleared her throat before she spoke, "All of you are the young talents of our hospital. An opportunity to take part in a conference like this is extremely rare, so I hope everyone will appreciate this opportunity and prioritize this event to learn with enthusiasm…"

After she was done giving her typical speech, everyone came to the hospital's car park under the leadership of the assistant convoy leader and also the chief of the surgical department, Doctor Zhu Qiang. The hospital's Toyota Coaster was heating its engine while waiting for them. 

The group got onto the minibus soon afterward. Zhou Wen was seated on the right side of the bus next to the window, the second row from the last. 

After taking the final attendance, the bus finally departed. 

In the beginning, the young talents on the bus were still very reserved. 

However, the atmosphere in the bus gradually turned into a bustling crowd after the bus drove onto the S81 route. Everyone began to discuss the famous scenic sites, the food, and the entertainment in Nanking City. 

As for the conference and learning, they were not bothered about that at all. 

The people that were chosen to take part in the conference were naturally the best of the younger generation staff members with top professional skills. 

"Hello, I'm Gu Yifei from the psychiatric department," said the handsome doctor seated next to Zhou Wen with an extended hand. 

"Hi, I'm Zhou Wen from the PCR team."

Gu Yifei shook Zhou Wen's hand and said in surprise, "So it turns out that you're Zhou Wen, huh? It's my pleasure to meet you."

Zhou Wen, who came from the laboratory department, was considered a famous person in the affiliated First People's Hospital for the past two days. The doctors from all departments heard about him basically. 

However, the laboratory department prohibited outsiders from entering the building. In addition to the exclusive interview article not publishing any photos, everyone had only heard of Zhou Wen's name without seeing the real person. 

Zhou Wen chuckled and said humbly, "You're too modest…"

They began chatting about biotechnology soon afterward, while Zhou Wen had also inquired a lot about psychiatric and mental health issues. 

Gu Yifei was 27 years old this year, and he graduated as a medical doctor from an ivy league university in America. He was the psychiatric department's attending doctor and also a psychiatrist in Jiangzhou Hospital. His background was extremely impressive. 

Zhou Wen was not bad either, of course. His biotechnology and biomedical standards were at the peak amongst his peers. 

The two chatted joyously. They had already turned into good friends that could talk about anything by the time the bus passed Changzhou City. They were completely in sync and regretted not meeting each other sooner. 

At ten in the morning, they arrived at the destination that was East Jiangsu Province People's Hospital located in Gulou Subdistrict. 

It was also the top-ranking hospital with comprehensive disciplines of the entire east Jiangsu Province combined. 

The car park was filled with vehicles from the hospitals of different cities in east Jiangsu Province. On the other hand, there were also vehicles from Hefei City and Anshan City of Anhui Province. 

A doctor from the oncology department chuckled and said, "It's our east Jiangsu Province's internal conference… why are those people from Anhui Province here to mingle with us?"

"Hah-hah. Is Nanjing City just a name with an unearned reputation?"


The convoy leader, deputy hospital director Li Haiqing, disappeared without a trace after she disembarked the vehicle. The assistant convoy leader, Zhu Qiang, said, "Come, come, come… Don't walk around just yet; follow me to the meeting room to take your attendance."

The group of people followed Zhu Qiang to the administrative building and found that the place was already filled with people. 

They waited for their turns to sign in while Zhu Qiang submitted the participants' name list to the hospital to assign these people to their teams according to the professional skills listed in the name list later. 

They signed in clamorously, and it was almost 11 o'clock by the time they were done. 

Then, they headed to the cafeteria for lunch. 

The group rushed over to check in to the hotel after lunch. It was at Qingliangshan Park Villa located on the west side of the People's Hospital. Over here, they could see the west side of the entire Qingliangshan Park with lush green trees, chirping birds, and fragrant flowers. The environment was exquisite. 

They were given a total of two villas. 

No one knew that the superior leaders were so generous this time when they came. They had no idea that the hospital's superiors rented villas for them, so they were stunned. 

"Wow… The hospital's leaders have truly gone all out this time to rent us villas. I'm surprised!"

"Hah-hah… It's my first time enjoying a special treatment like this. It's enough for me to brag about for one year when we go back."

"Look at you useless pricks. Staying in the villa is already enough to give you an orgasm…"

A doctor from the oncology department asked Zhu Qiang, "Chief Zhu, what's going on here? It seems a little too extravagant, right?"

Zhu Qiang chuckled and said, "All of you are here because you're representing the image of Jiangzhou City hospital. The hospital has an obligation to take care of your lives. Of course, you will need to display our Jiangzhou City hospital's professional skills well too!"

The doctor from the oncology department understood. 

As the First People's Hospital of the richest city in east Jiangsu Province, the hospital sent out its elite, talented staff members to attend the conference, so staying in a villa was just an issue of the hospital's parade of wealth. 

There was nothing wrong with that. 

Since the leader said so, everyone danced and cheered joyously. 

Soon afterward, they shouted and charged into the villas. 

Zhou Wen and Gu Yifei took the master bedroom. 

It was just the right place to gaze down at the Qingliangshan Park's lush green trees and the Qingliang Old Temple.

Zhou Wen checked the time and found that it was only one o'clock. They were going to gather at the conference at 1:40, so he suggested, "Let's head downstairs to take a stroll, shall we?"

"Sure…" Gu Yifei placed down his luggage, picked up his phone, and then followed Zhou Wen to leave the room. 

They had only realized that all the colleagues had left their respective rooms when they got downstairs. Everyone strolled the area around the villa to look around leisurely. 

Zhu Qiang called out from the door of the villa, "Don't stray too far and remember that you must come back before 1:30, you hear me?"


They were divided into groups in the afternoon, and Zhou Wen was assigned to the laboratory group, just as expected. 

The group was made up of a total of 31 young technical elites from the entire province and the two cities from Anhui Province. 

Then, they were led personally by the East Jiangsu Province People's Hospital chief of laboratory department, Gao Jialin, on a tour of the laboratory's medicine department. 

"This is our specimen preparation room…"

"This is our immunoassay room…"

"This is our microbiological examination room…"

The majestic crowd of people followed Gao Jialin to tour around the rooms one after another. A loud, surprised gasp would be heard from the crowd every once in a while. 

As the First People's Hospital of east Jiangsu Province, their facilities had already achieved world-class level with all sorts of advanced examination equipment that bedazzled one's eyes. 

Furthermore, the laboratory technicians here were also extremely qualified and skilled. 

Many of the people with the tour group expressed their compliments and admiration as they watched the laboratory technicians carrying out their work across the glass. They appeared to be ashamed of their current state but there was nothing they could do. 

The East Jiangsu Province First People's Hospital had its eyes on so many top universities in Nanjing City. They were constantly supplied with an endless stream of talented youths from these universities for their choosing. It would be hard for them not to employ brilliant laboratory technicians. 

If one were to determine the calmest person on the scene now, it would be Zhou Wen, without a doubt. 

Perhaps, the talent pool of Jiangzhou City First People's Hospital may be inferior to East Jiangsu Province First People's Hospital, but the standards of its facilities were definitely not inferior to the latter. 

As for professional skills, he had no fear in carrying out most tasks, including specimen preparation, viral test, PCR, or others. 

Of course, he did not regard himself as being head and shoulders above others either. He observed those colleagues working in the laboratory in all apparent seriousness. 

The tour lasted for about an hour, followed by a symposium session soon afterward. 

As for the practical session, he still had to wait until tomorrow. 

The symposium discussed the most internationally cutting-edge laboratory techniques and also shared about the testing method for some rare diseases too. 

It was safe to say that everyone learned a great deal from the symposium as the first day of the conference ended at four in the afternoon. 

By the time he returned to the rented villa, the rest of the people were back already as well. 

It was the first day of the symposium that was mainly aimed at letting the participants familiarize themselves with the environment. Tomorrow was the day to get down to business. 

At night, it was free and easy for everyone to partake in activities that they liked as long as they returned to the villa by ten o'clock. 

As for safety reasons, there was no concern about this because they were not in a foreign country. 

Moreover, everyone was an adult. They should know very well what they should and should not do. 

Zhou Wen and Gu Yifei headed to the Qinhuai River's riverside together. 

A multitude of visitors traveled to Qinhuai River's riverside at night and feasted on scrumptious food. 

There was a poem stanza that said, 'Stop by Qinhuai River at night for a drink'.

They assumed the grace of ancient scholars and found a small tavern next to Qinhuai River to have a drink as they watched the boats pass under the bridge. 

They smiled sweetly while being immersed in the flickering light of the lantern. 

Gu Yifei, who was holding a liquor glass in his hand, suddenly said, "Hey, Zhou Wen, someone is taking a photo of you."

"Where?" Zhou Wen, who was sipping his drink, turned around and followed Gu Yifei's gaze. 


A woman wearing a baseball cap raised her phone and took another photo of him from the boat was under the bridge. 

The woman had actually waved at him upon noticing him. 

Zhou Wen turned on his Truevision to take a look and found that it was actually Xu Shuangyu. 

She was dressed in a simple red sports top, a pair of black Chanel jogger pants, and a pair of white Converse shoes. She looked casual. 

At present, she was smiling proudly and joyously such that her huge eyes turned into slits. 

Zhou Wen asked curiously, "Why are you here?"

Xu Shuangyu laughed and said, "So you're the only person who's allowed to come here?"

"No… How did you know that I'm here? Did you follow me?"

"Tsk… Stop being so narcissistic. Do I need to track you?"

"If that's the case, go ahead and enjoy your trip." As he was speaking, Zhou Wen simply ignored her. 

Xu Shuangyu called out to him from the river, "Hey mister, are you angry? Chen Ziyuan told me."

Zhou Wen disregarded her. He raised his glass and said to Gu Yifei, "Come, cheers!"

Gu Yifei raised his glass and clinked Zhou Wen's. He placed down his glass and said smilingly, "She likes you."

Upon hearing that, Zhou Wen laughed and said, "Who doesn't like a beautiful girl like her."

Gu Yifei took a glance at the boat that was floating away gradually, and then studied Zhou Wen's face for a moment. Soon afterward, he shook his head and said with a smile, "I've always found myself to be very good at judging people's character. However, you feel… deep beyond fathomable to me."

Zhou Wen burst out laughing aloud. "So, you think you're the only one who has learned psychology, huh? I studied psychology before too, so how can I be so easily read by you?"

Gu Yifei was amused, so he said, "Oh, I see… Then allow me to give you a test; what are the important factors that form a person's character…"

Zhou Wen was just bluffing originally, yet he became competitive when Gu Yifei tried to test his psychology knowledge. 

"Hold on… Your question is too boring; the main focus of psychology is still in practice!"

Gu Yifei asked, "For example?"

"For example…"

Zhou Wen turned his head and looked around him. Then, he beckoned at the women sitting at the next table behind Gu Yifei. "You said that you're a good judge of character. How old do you think they are?"

Gu Yifei turned around and looked behind him and seized the opportunity to stare longer at the women when they giggled aloud. Then, he said, "The one in white is… 23 years old. The one in red… should be about the same age."

"So, what do you think they work as?"

Gu Yifei turned around to size up the women again. 

This time, the woman and her companion realized he was looking at them. 

It was possible that the woman could see that both of them were quite good looking, so they were not angry, but on the contrary, they chuckled and said, "Hey, what are you looking at?"

Gu Yifei told them the reason truthfully. 

The two women immediately sat up straight upon hearing that. The woman in white attire said smilingly to Gu Yifei, "Take a good look then, and try to figure out our professions."

Gu Yifei sized both of them up openly this time, and then he considered and said, "Both of you should be… teachers, I guess…"