One: I'm Coming Home

Ring, ring, ring…

"Evelyn picked up the damn phone," I called my best friend, Evelyn, on the phone, but she didn't answer it. I called her on my fifth attempt again, hoping she will answer my call.

Ring, ring, rin—

"Hello," Evelyn answered in a raspy voice. It looks like I interrupted her beauty sleep.

"Eveeeeelyn Dee!!!" I squealed, and I'm thrilled she finally answered my call on my fifth attempt.

"Girl, chill! I just woke up. You're hurting my eardrums, Chlo," She whined.

"Sorry! It's just— I've been calling you for thirty minutes, you bitch" I explained to her.

"Whatever," She rolled her eyes.

"So," I said.

"Why are you calling me at freaking 6:30 a.m. Chloe?" Evelyn asks in an irritated tone.

"Well, I have good news for you that I have to call you early in the morning," I said.

"It better be," she warned. I rolled my eyes at her threatening words.

"Imcominghome," I abruptly said. I don't know if she understands or hears clearly what I just said.

"Dammit, Chlo! Can you talk slowly," she's really annoyed now.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll say it slowly," I took a deep breath before I started talking.

"I'm...coming...home," I finally said it, crystal clear, and heard her gasp in the other line.

"Home? Cebu, Philippines, right?" Evelyn asked.

"Uh-huh," I replied cheerfully.

"OH MY GOD!" she squeals. "Is this a prank? I swear, Chloe if this is a prank, I'm going to punch you so hard that you cannot wear sleeveless for days." She threatens. I could not control myself but laugh at her silly threats.

"What? You can't punch me tho, I'm in Canada, and you're in Cebu. It's not a prank. I'll leave in two days from now," I giggle, knowing she'll be surprised again.

"Holy moly! That soon?"

"Why so surprised? You don't like me coming home so soon?" I tease and arch my eyebrows.

"Well, it's about time you come home, you bitch! I freaking miss you, we freaking, miss you."

"I know Eve, will you pick me up at the airport?" I know she won't miss this opportunity to see me first.

"Of course! I will," she said in a duh-tone. "Does your family know you'll be coming home?" She asked curiously.

"Nope, they don't. I want to surprise them. Can you keep it a secret?"

"Sure! But buy me Hershey chocolates in exchange for your surprise," I roll my eyes.

"Eve, I won't buy you chocolates. Instead, I'll buy sexy lingerie so you can surprise your boyfriend," I giggle.

"Ew, Chloe!" she whines, "Will you be home for good?" Suddenly, her voice became serious.

"We'll see," I tease. "I'm hanging up now. You can go to sleep again."

"Ugh, you bitch! You woke me up. I'm wide awake now!" Her voice sounded so pissed. I just burst out laughing.

"Stop laughing, Chlo! It's not funny!" she whines.

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh." I forced myself to stop laughing, but I couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear. I really missed hanging out with my friends back in the Philippines, the non-stop bickering, teasing, and gossip whenever we see each other.

"I can't wait to hang out with you guys when I get back," I confessed.

"Me too, Chloe, me too." I imagined Eve grinning in the other line.

"I gotta go, Eve. Love you!"

"I Love you too, Chloe!" I hung up the phone.

It's been a while since I've seen my family and friends in the Philippines. I haven't seen them for four years, missing all the family gatherings and hangouts with my friends. I missed the food, the house, and even Nana. I should visit her when I get back from Cebu. Nana and I were pretty much close. She helped my Dad raise Riley and me since we lost mom the day I was born. But four years ago, a month before my graduation, she had an accident and didn't make it.

Four years ago, after I graduated from college. I told my family I'll be working from another country, Canada, to be exact. I applied at Celeste Creatives PR and Events while I was still in Cebu. I only told my family when I got the job because I don't want them to stop me from fulfilling my dreams. Technically, it's not about stopping and fulfilling my dreams. I just really wanted to run away because I was a coward.

Now, I'm a Marketing Executive at Celeste Creatives PR and Events. One of the best PR Agencies you could find in Canada. For four years, I was never alone because I got my friend Maki Kingston with me. She is a licensed nurse working at St. Luke Medell Hospital. I found a breathtaking view near my workplace, which is a ten minutes' walk. But there is a catch: it's freaking expensive! Then, Maki offered to be my roommate since the hospital she's working in is only a few blocks away. Now, we've been roommates for three years. It was more convenient and practical for both of us than staying at Kingston's residence, Maki's parents' house, which is a two-hour drive.

After I called Evelyn, I started to pack my things. Take out my two luggage bags in my mini walk-in closet. Grab some of my favorites; work clothes, gym clothes, lingerie, jeans, tank tops, baggy shorts, and pants. I placed it on the bed to be folded, one by one. I grab my favorite makeup and put it on my make-up pouch; I grab three different pairs: high-heel sandals, two pairs of slippers, and two pairs of shoes.

"Hey Chloe, you pack everything?" I saw Maki walking towards me holding two mugs.

"Hmm… half-way about it," I smiled at her.

"Take a break and have some hot cocoa with marshmallows, your favorite," she said, handing me the mug. I reached it: grab the mug and thanked her. "How about you take a break and have some hot chocolate while it's still hot. I put lots of marshmallows on it. I know it's your favorite," Maki stated and handed me the mug. I tap my right hand on the bed, signaling her to sit beside me, and she obediently obliged. I close my eyes and smell the aroma before I take a sip on my hot cocoa. It tastes good. I can't help but moan about the sweetness and the combination of marshmallows and cocoa.

"How long will you be gone, Chloe?" She asks, I look at her, but she was already looking at me.

"Five months," I sip my hot chocolate, and I begin to talk, "Are you going to be okay without me?" I asked her worriedly. I'm usually away for a few days, not months, and it will be my first time going away for too long.

"I know that look, Chloe. I'm not a child, you don't have to worry about me, and I'm a big girl now," she winks and grins at me. I rolled my eyes at what she said.

"Are you sure, Maki?" I teasingly asked.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes. "But I will miss you," she smiles sadly.

"And I will miss you too!" I wrapped my right arm around her shoulders and hugged her.

Ding ding ding ding…

I loudly groaned when I heard Maki's alarm go off. Maki pulls away from the hug. She stands up, grabs her phone in her pocket, and turns it off.

"I still want to spend time with you," I pout.

"Sorry, that will be my cue to leave. See you later!" Maki went out of my room. I followed her. She placed her mug in the sink and grabbed her coat in the chair, "I gotta go, Chloe," she said.

"Be safe!" I said. I watch her walk towards the front door. "I will," she says. Then I heard the door shut. Hours later, I close the zippers on both of my luggage bags. "Whew!" I finally finished packing my things.

Buzz buzz buzz…

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I grab my phone and check it. I saw one message, it's from my boss.

Are you done packing? Be on your best behavior on your business trip. Remember to train our new employees well because I expect good results from you. Please don't disappoint me and our company, Chloe. Come by the office tomorrow morning. Get the files you need for the trip. I won't be in the office the whole morning and take the rest of the day off. I wish you good luck!

-Charlie Burnlar.

The CEO, Ms. Leah Celeste, and the board of directors chose Charlie Ray Burnlar, the company's marketing manager, to supervise our first ever branch in Cebu a year ago. A few months ago, we heard surprising news. Charlie is eating for two, and right now, she's in the second trimester of her pregnancy. But that automatically waived her from going. And the team has four upcoming major events to prepare for our biggest client here in Canada that needs more Charlie's attention.

Charlie endorsed me as her replacement, and they all agreed that I am suited for the job. First and foremost, it was my hometown. Second, I was trained by one and only, Charlie Ray Burnlar.

I quickly replied to her message.

Hello Charlie!

Yes, I finished packing. I'll be in the office at eight a.m. sharp. I won't disappoint you, Charlie, and thanks, I need that luck for sure!

After I sent the message to Charlie, I set my alarm, snooze. And make sure I won't be late tomorrow.