Eleven: 20 Questions

We've been strolling for a while now since we left at the ice cream shop.

"Where are we headed?" He asked.

"Hmm.. let's look around for a seat near the parking lot," I suggested.

"Near the Pyramid restaurant?" He asked while I nod in return. We continued strolling, then out of nowhere Jaco, chuckles. I eyed him, amused. It seems like he was lost in his own thoughts and didn't notice I was gazing at him.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked curiously, arch my brows.

"Oh, I just remembered something in the past," He says. We both ate our ice cream and did not utter a single word to each other as we strolled around the area.

"Penny, for your thoughts?" I eyed him.

"Isn't it sad that we never really had a proper date when we were still together?" He confessed.

"I know, and we never got the chance to do what couples usually do," I added. We both smiled sadly, remembering our time together.

"And here we are, having a fancy dinner and ice cream date, but then we aren't even together anymore," He chuckled.

"Date, huh?" I chuckled. "I don't think it's a date, though,"

"You know, I never thought this day would come," He chuckled. I furrowed my brows, "How so?" I asked curiously.

"That we could meet publicly and talk freely without being scared that someone from your family will see us," He explained. I nod slowly, agreeing with what he just said. He looked over at me and stared for a while, and I was getting a little uncomfortable with those pairs of eyes staring at me like he can see through my facade I put up. I averted my eyes from him. "Oh, I think there's an empty seat right there!" I pointed my finger, and he followed my gaze. It was across from the parking lot at The Pyramid Restaurant then we both headed there quietly.

We both finish our ice cream and throw it into the nearest trash bin. Jaco and I sit on the bench and watch the car and people pass by.

"How about we play a game?" He suggested. I furrowed my brows, "What game?"

"20 questions," He eyed me. "We take turns asking each other a question, and we have to answer it truthfully," He explained. "But you can't answer my question to another question," He added.

"Oh, that game," I chuckled.

"Yes, that game," He grins. "So, are you up for it?" He asked.

"Game," He smirks. "I'll start," I inform, and he nodded.

"Favorite song?" I ask.

"Hmm... Torete by Moira Dela Torre," He answered. It was his turn to ask now.

"Favorite food?" He asked.

"Pasta," I confidently said.

"Favorite movies?" I ask.

"Too many to mention, as long as it's an action movie," He says.

"Sing a song for me," He says. "Is that even a question?" I furrowed my brows. "Just do it, my game, my rules," I roll my eyes. "Whatever," I blurt out. He chuckles.

"I wanna go back to the way we used to be

I wanna feel your skin, your lips so close to me

I wanna go back when I called you mine all the time

Every smile and every moment

If only I have…. a time machine,"

I giggled.

"The time machine by Six Part Invention," I said. "Sorry, I know I don't have a beautiful voice," I smiled shyly.

"Hey, don't be. It was actually good," Jaco complimented. "And by the way, this is actually the first time I heard you sing― not on the phone," I chuckled. "Yeah, I remember," I laugh.

"Most embarrassing moment?" I ask.

"If I remember clearly, it was at Teacher Stephanie's party. I saw you there with your Dad," He started. "You were at the same table with your Dad, and suddenly, he turned around and saw me looking at you. I immediately averted my eyes," I laugh, knowing Jaco got caught by my Dad staring at me.

Jaco was staring at me, amused. Then he joined me, laughing at his story.

"Actually― Dad really did see you looking at me. He even teases me that day," I narrated. "He even said, 'I saw your ex looking at you'" I chuckled. "And when I turned around, I didn't see you. It was only your older brother I saw on the other table," I narrated.

"I suddenly remember you brought lots of leftover foods," Jaco teased.

I burst out laughing until my belly hurt from laughing at what he said, and he joined laughing with me. A moment or two, I calm down from laughing.

"Hey!" I slap his shoulder playfully. "There weren't many. It was just a macaroni salad, and Teacher Stephanie gave it herself," I said defensively. He laughed while I rolled my eyes. For a second, Jaco got me there.

"Do you know how to drive now?" He asked.

"Yeah, I do. In fact, I drove myself on my way here," I said proudly. "Really?" He sounded amused and proud. "I would never have thought you'd have the guts to drive a car since you're a scaredy-cat," I roll my eyes while Jaco chuckles in return.

Your right. I never thought about it too,"

"Hmm... what's your work?" I ask.

"Oh, that's easy. I've been a web developer for almost four years now. I usually work from home since my clients are foreigners and from another country," He stated.

"But you do have an office, right?" I ask.

"Yeah, we do. I sometimes work there and attend meetings," Jaco explained. "What's your work?" He asked.

"I'm an Events Marketing Executive at Celeste Creatives. It's a PR and Events company based in Canada. Recently, the company branches out for the first time because it's getting bigger and bigger each year, and they chose Cebu, Philippines."

"So, are you kind of― the general manager in the Cebu branch?"

"No, I was only chosen to train new employees for a few months. It's only a temporary,"

"You're not staying for good?" He asked. "Easy there, it's my turn to ask a question, remember the rules? I smirk.

"Hey! You even asked a question a while ago, and I didn't complain," He whined. "Too bad, you should have complained," I teased, and Jaco chuckled. "Fine, it's your turn," He sighs in defeat, playfully.

"Who was your first love?"

Are you for real, Chloe? Why do you even want to know? You guys are having a good time, and you ask that question to him. Why are you sabotaging your own happiness tonight, Chloe? Seriously! I'm frustrated.

"That's easy."

He sounded confident and proud.

My heartbeat is beating rapidly, anticipating his answer.


He winks and gives me a devilish smirk while a blush creeps on my cheeks.

AMFSLFJELJDAASAJELW Did he say I was his first love? Calm down, Chloe. Maybe he was joking. Stop grinning like an idiot, Chloe. You're embarrassing yourself!

I cleared my throat. "Liar, I don't believe you, Jaco,"

"I'm serious, Chlo. You're my first love," He eyed me intently and his voice sounded serious.


A blush creeps on my face, not just my cheeks, and butterflies on my stomach are roaring crazily.

"You're blushing," Jaco teased and grinning ear to ear. I covered my face with embarrassment. "You're cute when you blush," He chuckled.

Once I was able to calm down, I glanced at Jaco. "I'm flattered that I'm your first love, Jaco,"

"Really? You are?"

He leaned a little closer, surprising me, as our noses are a few inches apart from touching.


He said softly while my heart beats racing and my breath ragged, knowing that we are inches apart.

Jaco smirks and pulls away. "Back to my previous question. You're not staying for good?" Jaco was grinning mischievously.

That sneaky little bastard! I rolled my eyes and exhaled heavily. "No, I don't," I said, acting like I wasn't fazed by his tricks a moment ago.

"Why am I your first love, Jaco?" I teasingly asked.

"Remember, I had a crush on you when we were kids, but the thing is, we only got a chance to get to know each other when we were in college, right? That's when I realized I fell for you really bad," He narrated.

"We were in an on-off relationship because of our situation back then. I tried dating girls to forget you. I love you so much― at that time. I did what you told me and stayed away from you. I thought giving you space would change your mind, and we'd get back together again like we always do."

"A friend of mine once told me. If you love her, you'll have to let her go. Set her free if that's what she wants, that made me realize, and my friend was right. I don't want to be selfish― I want you to be happy, Chloe." He sighs. "Even if it's not with me. I made up my mind and decided to let you go for good."

I saw tears drop in Jaco's eyes. He looked away and wiped his tears.

The two of us both stayed silent for a moment and just felt the emotions we're having now.

I feel like I'm selfish for not seeing through that Jaco was hurting while I was doing the right thing for us. He was hopeful, but I pushed him away. Damn you, Chlo, you're a coward! You should be ashamed.

"What's she like…" I look at him, "your girlfriend?" I ask. He glanced at my eyes for a second and looked away.

"Erm…" Jaco got tensed, and his face looked like he was hesitating to answer. I looked at him, patiently waiting for him to speak. He exhaled heavily. "Her name is Demi Alegre. She works as an accountant manager at San Juan Central Bank. She's hardworking and loves kids," Jaco paused and glanced at her before he continued. "I'm thankful for her because she was understanding and patient towards my feelings since I was starting to move on from you. We both understand each other's needs and priorities as an individual and a couple," Jaco chuckles. "Demi loves me very much, and I also feel the same way about her. I love Demi."

"That's― good to hear you found someone who understands, patient, and loves you very m-much," My voice cracked, and I quickly cleared my throat. "I'm happy that you're happy, Jaco,"

"I'm planning to propose to Demi soon. I think I can see myself spending the rest of my life with her," He chuckled. "But I still have to buy the ring and plan how to do it," Jaco shrugged.

He― what?! Did I hear that right? Jaco's going to propose to Demi? I abruptly looked at him with gaping eyes. "I― A-Are you serious?" He smiled and nodded. I feel like my body got numb.

"O-oh, that's great!" I gritted my teeth and tried to fake a smile. Tears were forming in my eyes, and I clenched my hands into a fist to stop myself from crying. "I-I― congrats in advance! You guys are perfect for each other," I said in a breathy voice.

I slightly tilt my head and gaze at him. "I'm happy for you, Jaco," I placed my hand on his shoulder, and Jaco rests his hands on top of mine. "Thanks, Chloe. It means a lot to me, coming from you," We both smiled, and I pulled my hands away from his shoulders. I averted my gaze towards the street lights shining near to us to let my tears fall.

It's too late now, Chlo. Jaco's happy with someone else.

Buzz buzz

My phone rang, notifying me that someone was calling. Whoever is calling me right now, I'm going to buy that person dinner. It's my way of thanking the person for saving me in this situation. "I have to take this call," I stood up and walked a few meters away from Jaco, where he couldn't hear. I wiped my tears before I answered the call.

"Hello?" I said in a raspy voice.

"How was the date?" Eve asks excitedly.

"Later, Eve," I said.

"What happened to your voice?" She asks worriedly.

"I'll see you later," I ended the call and went back to the bench where Jaco was sitting.

"Who was that? Your boyfriend?" Jaco asks curiously.

"No, it's… Eve," I said softly. "She wants me to go home," I lied.

"Why? Is there a problem?" Jaco asks worriedly. He stood up near where I'm standing.

"I-I really don't know. She was staying for the night in my place and told me to come home," I explained.

"Alright, we can go now. It seems like Eve needs you," He said understandingly.

"Thanks for tonight, Jaco. It was nice catching up with you," I smile, turn around in a hurry and walk towards my car. I really need to get away from here, FAST.

"Chloe, wait up!" He called out.

I pause and turn around as I wait for Jaco.


"Can we be friends for the old-times sake?" I arch my brows, "Friends? Why all so sudden?"

Is this even a good idea to be friends with your ex? I sighed. "We both already moved on from our relationship, right? And I don't see why we can't be friends," He caresses his hair shyly.

I look into his eyes, and it seems like he was being serious about us being friends. Is this even a good idea to be friends with you, Jaco? I haven't moved on, and us being friends will hurt me more.

I sigh, "Sure," I sounded like I have no other choice.


He suddenly wrapped his arms around me, surprising me for a second, and hugged me tightly.

Shock is an understatement. Did agreeing to be with his friend make him happy?

"Thank you for agreeing to be my friend, Chloe," He says. "Alright, but why are you hugging me, Jaco?" I tap his shoulders to let me go. It feels awkward.

"Oh, I really wanted to hug you awhile ago, and I just came up to a perfectly excused to hug you," He said. I chuckled.

I'm going to regret this for the rest of the day I spent here while I'm here in Cebu. I tried to break away from the hug, but Jaco didn't budge. Instead, he kept me still. "Let's stay like this for a moment, please?" He pleaded. I sigh, "Fine," We both stayed like that for a moment. I won't lie, I enjoyed this moment with him. I wish it wouldn't end.

And just like that, Jaco slowly breaks the hug. It was cold and lonely without his arms wrapping around me. I'm really starting to regret I wasted the opportunity to save our relationship instead of giving up. Jaco's making me realize what I am missing now. Smart move, Jaco, very smart. My tears were threatening to fall on my cheeks.

"I-I really have to go, Jaco," I said urgently. He nodded.

We both walk our way to the parking lot. Jaco insisted he'll walk me to my car. I got inside my car and turned on the engine. I thanked him one last time before I drove off.

Ten minutes later, I arrived from my apartment building and parked my car in my parking space. I opened the front door of my apartment and saw Evelyn waiting in the living room.


I rush towards Eve and wrap my arms around her. "Hey, what happened?" She asks softly. And just like that, I let myself cry and sob in Eve's arms.